39) No Trap
Wolran Kim
As if a relic of war
I thought there would be a hidden mine somewhere
The enemies’ disruption is safe outside of the network
Then it falls asleep only on an inch of error
No matter how crazy going over the speed limit
I thought I’d never be free from the dense mine field
No matter how nice the body of a shiny new car
I thought I would fall and tumble all about someday
Then, I would be transported somewhere
I thought the vulnerability of the checkpoint
That they passed only by checking their loads
Would be revealed one by one in front of my eyes someday
I thought the psychological clever trick, using peaceful daily life
Would tighten my loose neck someday
There will be a few casualties like in training
And then, I thought that would be the same as climbing
The vertical height forever under the cliff
Huh, Look at this! It is very simple. Such a dull life.
Ruminating, it is also narrow minded with no comparison
Just looking like a collection of problems
That is a bestselling book from a high hitting ratio
Just looking like an old exam
That repeats existing questions tediously
In front of a life which becomes a way without any intent
The way appears even through the fog if I stare clearly
Pupils get bigger in the darkness even before I see
It was a plain way, really
There was no trap, but I had made the trap myself