
Wolran Lee

by 이월란 posted Aug 16, 2016


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20) Wolran Lee

      Wolran Kim


If you click, it will pop up as The Column Carried Forward.

I click because I want to see myself

I’m looking for the column carried forward

I keep track of the results of the previous period

The period that I took over is infinity

An unknown deadline means eternity

It passes over to tomorrow and next week

Over to next month, even next year

Is the next session that is carried over safe?

The moving process is thoroughly in secret

And the path is neatly cleared

The origin of letters and numbers in hand

Is already finished in black or red ink

In a thin account book that passes over the afterlife from a previous life

Is handing over months and years

By single and multiple forms

The profit and loss statement is not finished

New transactions that are carved like tattoos

By the balances which are carried over whole from somewhere

In the accounting office that only keeps the receivable minus

It is carried and passed over automatically

Just by copying


* Wolran Lee: The poet’s name, ‘Wolran Lee’ has the same pronunciation as ‘the column carried forward’ in accounting books in Korean.