강창오의 문학서재


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Phew! What is the point to catch them?

2021.10.26 04:42

강창오 조회 수:19

Nee-naw! Nee-naw! Nee-naw!

The sudden alarms make me jumpy

It’s getting more frequent, lately

Speedy parade swishes the air

Cop cars fly on their way

Turbulent motions helter-skelter down the road

Something big must’ve broken out

Somewhere close-by


Halt ! Halt! Halt!

Multiple shouting on a knife edge

Hurry-scurry, jeepers-creepers

The panicking hoofs

The heavily armed squad breaks into a sprint

Weighty uniforms flutter hibbie-jibbies


Honk! Honk! Honk!

Row of vehicles on the road


A few pull over slowly and reluctantly

Most drivers carry on running

No bothered, no interested or not at all?

No longer giving away to emergency meaningful?

Only cop cars cry and hoot aback

Surely public order has first priority!

Who fulfils what for whom?

Has the Police authority bowed down to individual rights?


Phew! What does all of these mean?

Phew! Is it just a public exhibition?

Phew! What is the point to catch them?

After all that hassle and effort

The outcries of being Heavy-handed will overturn

Yet, human right Judges will let them go

In the name of their human rights

Violation of Human rights this or that!

Alas! The age of no place for the rights of victims

Dear me! The rights of innocent citizens are no longer accountable


Nee-naw! Halt! Honk! and Phew! Phew! Phew!