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Look Great Feel Great

2007.01.17 09:24

오연희 조회 수:2616

Joyce Meyer[-g-alstjstkfkd-j-]영어! 머리에 쥐가 날것 같아 거절했지만 이책을 권한 친구의 우정을 생각하여 펼쳐본 책 아.....친구야 고맙다. 밑줄친 구절 모음 1.Focus on the Journey, Not the Destination . Life is about the journey, not the destination, and then the ride became much more fun. Time does not go by any faster if we are frustrated about it, so we should learn to “wait well” On your own journey to ward looking great and feeling great, you also need to enjoy the ride. What matters is not where you are, or how far away your destination is, but the direction you are headed. 2.Willpower sure sounds like a great thing. We are led to believe that we have enough of it to fight off every temptation that comes our way. And sometimes it works. But let me tell you a little secret about willpower. Willpower is your best friend when things go well, but it’s the first friend to check out when you get weary. 3.I have found that if I really don’t want to do something, my mind gives me plenty of reasons why I don’t have to. We are never instructed to be willpower-led, we are told to be Spirit-led. Willpower and discipline are important and vitally necessary to a successful life, but willpower alone won’t be enough. Determination gets you started and keeps you going for awhile, but it is never enough to bring you across the finish line. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6 NKJV) 4.Let your days be filled with good choices, healthy food, lots of activity, and good thoughts. Then your body and soul will be healthy, fit, and virtuous. Don’t focus on your body, focus on the day. Have one good day, and tomorrow becomes more enjoyable, and leads to an even better day. As you enjoy the journey, you’ll soon discover just how easy it is to love and affirm yourself. 5.Be excited that you are headed in the right direction. 2007년 1월 17일