정종환의 문학서재


이달의 작가

Who taught me to love

2024.05.22 03:45

정종환 조회 수:19

Marvin, my landlord
He's a big guy and
handsome, and has a loud voice
but he can't talk to neighbors
in a friendly way
(perhaps he had a painful childhood)
He doesn't control emotions well
I've never seen him in a suit
In over 50 years maybe
He has been managing this apartment alone
He has been trying to repair for 14 years
for my families
every time he walks in the door
he apologized for not being able
to take shoes off
and apologized
Then I'd say, "It's a cultural difference.
It's okay."
Today, he came in to repair
the kitchen wall. And
when he was done
back from work
I saw he was barefoot
Marvin had taken off his shoes
which were hard to put back on
I feel the whole day ahead of me,
through the Marvin's clean heart.

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