지침의 말

by 박대균목사 posted Aug 10, 2009


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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄 수정 삭제



몇가지 골라 보았음니다.
여러분은 어떤것이 좋았는지 글짜로 적어보시면
더 기억에 남을것임니다.

Dont spend your time...
It is better to invest your energy in the POSITIVE present
(그래서 "음성적" 인글은 되대록 안 내보냄니다).

Life is a school, and we are here to learn.

Life is too short to waste time hating someone
(그래서 비방적인글은 되대록 안 내보냄니다).

Dont compare your life with others......
(왜나하면 우리모두가 다른 DNA로 구성되었기때문).

Nobody is responsible for your happiness, except yourself.

Learn something new every day.
(그래서  이것들을 내보냄니다).

27.What others think of us is not completely under our control.

30.Work will not take care of us when we are sick.
our friends will. Stay in contac with them.
(그래니  제가 보낸 글/그림을  친구들께

33.The best time is yet to come

35 Have fantastic sex.....
(도움이됄 글/그림 내보낸다면 고상한{Noble} 나에게
그런것 보내지말라고 하실겄임니까?)


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