Dear My Little Richard

2012.06.09 10:12

김영문 조회 수:266 추천:39

  Dear My Little Richard,
  Congratulations on your eighth birthday.  I see you have grown up much taller and stronger than last year. I hope your mind has also grown up as your body has. And I am happy to see you growing up so fast. Especially when your mom became alone, you have to grow up to be a man as soon as you can. You have to grow up to be as brave a man as your dad was. You may be too young to know now but your dad was a special person who was gentle and nice to everybody. He was ready to help others whenever possible. He did not hesitate to share good things with others. And, he loved his country. He loved the beautiful flag of this nation saying this flag is for the brave people who fought for the freedom of all human kind on the earth. I want you to grow up to become just like him and I will be watching out for you.

  Even though your dad could not make it here for you, you have your mom and your friends celebrating your birthday with you. I see you received many gifts. There are balloons and flowers. It is good to see that your face is radiant with happiness.
  But I want you to know. When your dad was at your age, his family was poor and his father could not afford this kind of birthday party for him. He did not have gifts. He did not have flowers and balloons. Your dad told me his mother packed a handful of peanuts in a small plastic bag and put on the head of his bed so he could find when he woke up. That was all the gift he received on his birthday. And he told me he ate the peanuts sparingly taking days and remembering his mom's love. Today, I want you to remember your dad's birthday. Also I want you to know there are many kids at your age, younger or older, in the world, who have their birthdays today. Instead of celebrating, many of them may have to go to bed hungry without food because they are so poor. Gifts, balloons and flowers are all unthinkable things in the dream world. I want you not to forget those kids. They may be in different towns, different states or even in different countries. But they are all your friends. Happiness is not in the material. Happiness is in caring for each other and sharing together. That's the way your dad was. I want to make sure you grow up just like the way he was. I will be watching out for you.

  You asked me why your dad cannot come to your birthday party. Richard, I do not know myself. I do not know why we cannot see each other anymore. I do not know why god created us not to be able to see each other after one goes to his hands. I really do not know, Richard. It is awful but it is something we have to accept and adapt to.

  But, I want to see your dad again, through you. I want you to grow up to be as good man as your dad was. I want you to learn to love, share and be humble like your dad. I want you to grow up to be as brave and courageous as your dad was. I will be watching out for you.

  And I want you to remember your dad died on foreign soil fighting for their freedom and their wellness. He sacrificed his life for them. I want you to remember that.

  I will be watching out for you.

  Again, little Richard, congratulations on your birthday.

  From your dad's friend and a friend of yours,

(by Young Moon Kim 081510)

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