English-Camellia,거문도에 핀..Part 2

2012.02.02 13:12

연규호 조회 수:678 추천:29

Third story: Second of two incidents In that afternoon, Dr. Kang returned to his clinic and after taking care of emergency cases he started seeing patients with pre-appointment but he could not concentrate to his work as his mind raced back to the Captain Chung and the blind pastor. He felt so sorry to the two that he almost forgot about the young attorney named Nguyen. Around 5 PM when he was ready for closing the clinic, phone rang unexpectedly. It was an emergency call from Dr. James Yamashiro, a psychiatrist. "Hi Dr. KangI need your help for one of my patient! He is an inpatient at Brea Psychiatric Hospital but she is almost dying from her pneumonia. So I urgently need your assistance. Will you come this eveningor better yet, can you come right now? You can find her at the internal medicine ward." "Did you say she is in the Psychiatric Hospital?" "Yesat the internal ward. Her name is Rose McKnight". "I got it! I will be there!" Dr. Kang promised. Who was Dr. James Yamashiro? He was 51 year-old third generation Japanese-American. He was a very competent psychiatric specialist received training from Yale University. Dr. Kang had only occasional encounters with him but he felt very closer to him as a fellow oriental physician. He even tried to be friendlier by initiating conversation like this "JamesI was told that your home town is Oita, Kyushu province. Isn't the city Oita famous for the hot spring?" "Oita? I do not know anything about that city. My home town? Wellit is Denver, Coloradoyou may have heard that US government set up internment camp for Japanese during World War-II". "Oh really? I am sorryAnyway, I want to visit Oita as a tourist." "As a tourist? Well my grandpa used live there. If you want,go ahead! Why not?" So the first encounter was a rather casual one but as time passed, the two doctors get closer. Dr. Kang had to skip dinner to get to the Brea Psychiatric Hospitalwhich was about 5 mile north from his clinic. The Brea Psychiatric Hospital had much different look from typical gloomy mental hospital building he saw in Korea and New York. It was a clean and beautiful two-story building with many palm trees lined up around the hospital. Unlike those typical psychiatric hospitals, there were no iron-bar covering windows and the guards, who wore bright uniform, did not carry any arms. Dr. Kang rushed to second floor. He entered a room with a sign "Internal MedicineIntensive Care". A blond haired nurse greetedhim. "You are Dr. Kang right? Dr. Yamashiro's patient is over there. Let me hand you her patient chart. Obviously, she is getting worse and you need hurry." "Oh - is this patient?" Dr. Kang started reading the chart. [Mrs. Rose McKnight57 year old and has been in this hospital for 3-years. Severe case of depression and she never talks. Her husband is 61 years old and currently a professor in Economics at California State University. This patient is an oriental- art painter. Current status: During the past 2 weeks, her pneumonia worsened and needed anti-biotic treatment. For two day, she had difficulties in breathing and currently giving oxygen. As her case worsened, referral was made to Dr. Kang, an internist. ] Dr. Kang took out his stethoscope and entered the patient's ward. A young woman sat next to the patient who was breathing hard. "I am Dr. Kang at the request of Dr. Yamashiro, I am going to check her out" The young woman introduced herself as the patient's daughter. She was a 21-year old UCLA student with a stunning beauty emanating from her mixed blood of oriental and western heritage. Unexpectedly, the 57-year old patient was an oriental woman. Her pneumonia was progressed to a danger point and she seemed be near the blink of death with such difficulty of breathing. After checking her blood oxygen level, Dr. Kang applied oxygen mask but it did not help her symptom. This oriental woman's face was twisted and her body carried stench. It seemed that she had not washed her face for daysher face was soiled and her hair was completely disheveled. "Wowcan anyone be this dirty!" Dr. Kang felt like he was suffocating from the stench but had to endure it. As he was listening her heartbeat using his stethoscope, the smell got worse. Obviously, her severe depression degraded both her spirit and body. Dr. Kang guessed she urinated and defecated on her bed. Soon the he received lab results and surprisingly her blood oxygen level was only 55% of full capacity. "Nursehurry! We should hook her up to a respirator!" Dr. Kang pulled her head back and opened her mouth to insert respirator tube. Upon hooking up the tube to the respirator machine, he injected full dose of oxygen. Miraculously, her face regained red color and breathing got easier. "Hew---!" Dr. Kang was relieved from his tension and issued a medical order to the attending nurse. "According to the state law, we must transport this patient to UCI county hospitalin ambulance." Then he recorded his work on the medical chart. [Caused by pneumonia, her breathing difficulty got critical and had to use respirator. She was ordered tobe transferred to county hospital for better treatment.] The blond nurse admired his work. "Sure enough, we needed an internist you are quite different from psychiatrist!" Soon, ambulance arrived and Dr. Kang left this psychiatric hospital with the patient to the county hospital. Then it suddenly dawn on him. "Obviously, she is not Japanese!" Dr. Kang assumed her being Japanese as she was a patient of Dr. Yamashiro. "But Rose? Rose McKnight?" The name, McKnight, rang a bell -- someone he knew so well when Dr. Kang was a child and living in Korea was McKnight! "Heywhat am I thinking? The McKnights I knew was a very clean and respectable Irish family! This dirty patient can not be a member of that family!" Dr. Kang was assuring himself that this smelly patient could not be related to that family. Then another name came to his memory. "Can she be that Han Soonhae? The woman who went to US after marrying Mark McKnight?" That name belonged to a woman Dr. Kang had been waiting for all his life. She was reason why Dr. Kang did not marry until his age 60 throughout the days in New York and Garden Grove. "No, no way! Soonhae was as noble as an angel and as beautiful as a princess. The filthy woman I saw a while ago cannot be the same person!" When all the procedures at the county hospital were over, the clock indicated 9 PM already and he felt very hungry. He drove back to his clinic and by the time he entered his office, he was thoroughly exhausted. "Wowwhat a day!" It was a very busy day; his mind raced back to people he met during that day. Welcoming ceremony in the morning; Captain Chung, the blind pastor, Attorney Nguyen then he felt like hearing the voice of pretty Vietnam woman, Ninh Le. "How are you, Lieutenant Kang?" "Oh Ninh! You are still alive!" Dr. Kang was talking in monologue like an insane person. Then, another faces popped up Lieutenant Han Sungmin, one of his dear friend from Chungju, another friend, Dr. Chong-Il Kim and then the smiling face of Sungmin's sister, Soonhae. "Brother, Sukhothe leaves are falling. The ginkgotree leaves! Also listen to the bell from the cathedral!!" "Wait, Soonhaewhere are you?" "Sukho, my dear! You should go your wayI will go my way." "No, Noyou shouldn't! I love you!" Dr. Kang was mumbling. His undecipherable monologue continued. But there was nobody. There was no one else in the room who could converse with him. Dr. Kang thought someone was calling him from outsidebut it was the firework from the Disneyland that always started at 9:30 PM everyday. The firework on the sky over Disneyland was visible from far distance. The stream of fireball shoot up sky high then burst into beautiful patterns that scattered over the sky. Every burst was so beautiful but some fireballs vanished into the darkness of night sky without showing brilliant burst. They were duds and wasted fireballs though they started same manner with other fireballs. "A dud? A Misfire?" Truethere are a few persons he knew who lived like duds. Lieutenant Han who died at his young age of 23 he was like a flower that never bloomed. A Vietnam woman, Ninh Le, whom he saw last at the beautiful city of Da Lat on July 21 in 1969 and never heard again--- Then the woman, Han Soonhae, who left him from Chungju to America during the same year 1969, could be called a dud in his life. Then Dr. Kang, who was just waiting for these women for so many years, was also a dud. Maybe we can call Dr. Kang, a misfirebecause he did not know whereabouts of his lovers and he would not pursue any one of them even if he knew where to find them. 15 minutes later, the firework was over and the night sky returned back to silent darkness. Dr. Kang packed his briefcase and went back to his small condo he lived. It was already 10 PM and he was famished. He went to the kitchen and boiled water forRamen he always enjoyed. Adding an egg made the food much more palatable. That familiar sweet smell delighted him. He got Kimchi from the refrigerator and he was very happy. The day, March 5th, 2003 seemed to be the longest day for Dr. Kang. He felt like that his whole life of 60 years was condensed in this single day. Fourth Story: Biography of Dr. Sukho Kang This author is obliged to tell more about Dr. Kangso here is his life story. Sukho Kang was born in 1943 in a city named Chol-woon in Kang Won province. His youth was filled with misery due to poverty. Then Korean War broke in 1950 with the invasion of North Korean Army. South Koreans and US led UN troop stopped the invasion and pushed them to northern border but with the intervention of Chinese Red Army, UN troops and South Korean civilian had to retreat further south. His family took refugee to southern part of the peninsula and they settle in a city named Chungjoo in Choongchung province. The family stayed in the refugee camp for two years and he attended an elementary school inside the camp compound. Luckily, his father was hired as a guard of an Episcopal churchand he was transferred to a bigger school in urban area. After graduating elementary school, he advanced to a high school in the same city then he was admitted to a prominent medical school in Seoul, the capital. After graduating medical school, he served Korean army as a medical officer. He stationed in a war zonenear the city of Inje. After a year of his military service, he volunteered his duty to Vietnam and for one year and two months, he saved lives at battle raged front lines. After he returned back to Korea, he stationed in Uijung-bu camp, another front line military base for one year and finally he was discharged from his military duty. After completing internship training at a university hospital, to achieve his goal for further education as a specialist in internal medicine, he immigrated to US. He landed in Brookline and completed his specialty training at Down State Hospital. Then he opened a clinic in the city of Flushing in Queens, New York. After a few years of his practice, he moved to Southern California. An unexpected letter triggered his move and he eventually settled in the city of Garden Grove, primarily serving Koreans and other minorities. Though he was getting older, he led a single life as a bachelor and this evoke the curiosityto many Koreans around him. He lived in a small condo and he was treasuring a photo album which gave a strong impression toanyone who got a chance to see it. That album was filled with tattered family photographs. His father looked so sad. Also included was a picture of a humble looking woman, his mother, who died at her young age of 35. Another picture would drew attention with a backdrop of grandiose cathedral building, a pretty high school girl was standing on the stony stair holding hand with a college student that obviously was Dr. Kang. Backside of the picture had writing, "My beloved Soonhae". Obviously, he loved this girl. Other pictures showed Dr. Kang in military uniform during his stay in Vietnam. One of them showed a building with a sign, "Da Lat Cathedral"and another showed a magnificent water fall with a caption "From the valley of love". Some pictures showed a Vietnam woman wearing traditional costume known as "Ao dai" and wide-brimmed hat. "Valley of Love? Da Lat?" People asked Dr. Kang about these locations but he just smiled. But each time, people noticed his eyes were welling. "Who is this pretty maiden in Ao dai? Someone wrote 'Ninh Le' a pretty name! Who is she?" ". . . " Again, Dr. Kang just smiled. "Then, who is Soonhae Han?" Again, he answered with his smile. "Why don't you answer? Are they your ex-girl friend?" "Yes- they are" Finally, he answered. So, Dr. Kang had two loversSoonhae Han and Ninh Le. Though Dr. Kang was born in Chol-won, he spent most of his youth at Chung-ju and therefore, he had more memory and attachments to Chung-ju. He came to this city during the winter of 1951 while the Korean War was raging. He lived in a refugee camp and the life was tough. Time passed and when he became a high school student, he built a close relationship with two friendsSungmin Han and Chong-il Kim. This triple was like family members and often others called them "Three-musketeers". Though they lived in different parts of city, threewere always found together and they felt like one body. A Korean traditional rhyme for children has wording like this; "In the twilight sky, shines three brother stars Twinkle, Twinkle they shine-- Then one star vanishes and the other two weeps" They called themselves these three brother stars. Sungmin was a grandson of Rev. Paul Han, the senior priest of the Chung-ju Episcopal Church. So though his family was not rich but they lived relatively affluently. After graduating from high school, Han was admitted to army military academy, the Korean equivalence of West Point. After the academy, he was commissioned to a First Lieutenant and he volunteered Vietnam combat duty. The other friend, Chong-il Kim was a son of well-known rich family in Chung-ju. His father owned a brewery. Not only was he rich, he was smart enough to be admitted to the most prominent medical school in Korea. Sukho Kang was the poorest one in the group and he had received financial help from Han's grandfather and Kim's father. So indebted, Sukho called them "Grandfather" and "Father". Then there was Soonhae, the younger sister of Sungmin. She was junior to these boys by 3 years --very pretty and angel-hearted. Though she called all three boys "Brothers", Sukho was no match to Chong-il who was much richer and smarter. So Sukho always assumed Soonhae would like Chong-il far more than himself. Surprisingly, now at his age of 60, Sukho thought Soonhae actually had more heart to him than Chong-il. Someone asked "Well- then isn't if true that Dr. Kang lived a foolish life of self-defeat over these years? Your poverty really made you to sink into such inferiority complex? Somehow, you are waiting for these two women, Soonhae and Ninhwhere they are now?" "Yes, you are rightI am a fool. Soonhae married to an Irish gentleman named Mark McKnight on July 23, 1969 and immigrated to United States. As for Ninh Le, she lived in Da Lat, Vietnam then married to a South Vietnam Army Captain named Tran then moved to Saigon. That happened on August 1, 1969." "So you are waiting for birds already flew out to US and Saigon! Oh poor and foolish man!" It is trueDr. Kang acted very foolish. When he returned from Vietnam duty on August 3, 1969, he found Soonhae already was married and left country two weeks prior. Sukho's heart pained with a feel of betrayal from her abrupt departure. Then a year passed and Sukho's father passed away. He felt so empty in his heart that he needed an escape. He did not want to stay in this country where nothing was leftso he decided to depart to foreign land and his destination was US. In late June of 1971, he packed up his belongings into two luggage bags and headed to US without hesitation. Maybe he intended to find Soonhae rather than just wanting to immigrate to foreign land. He landed in a slum area in Brooklyn, New York. The neighborhood was tough and he lived lonely life without any close friends. He was living in the memory of hisparents who died years ago and concentrated on his medical training. Soon, he completed his training and opened a clinic in the Korea town nearNew York City. The name of town was Flushing. The town was located near the subway station terminal #7 where trickles of Koreans gathered and eventually formed a Korea Town. He settled there in a faint hope of chance encounter with Soonhae. If he was located at the Korea Town, that chance may get higher. Financially, he was doing well in Flushing, NY but suddenly, he moved to the city of Garden Grove, California. The reason for his sudden move was very simplehe received a letter during late part of 1983 delivered to his residence. It was from one of his triplet buddy, Dr. Chong-il Kim, whom he met last in 1971 when Dr. Kang was leaving Korea. The letter said Dear my friend, Sukho How are you doing? I am dropping a line because I have a surprise for you. I have been busy as a surgeon and it has been very stressful days but I struck a fortuneThe medical school I work for chose me to be sent to US for research and training in the field of liver disease. I am scheduled to stay two years at University of California, Irvine medical center starting next year. I am planning to receive an intensive training for liver transplanting surgery. Actually, I wanted to go to New York so that I can be near you but they sent me to UCI as this is a newer clinic and expecting to have more transplantation cases. . . . I will stay in a small apartment in a city, named Garden Grove, and live alonewhy? My wife can not be with me as our kids must study for college entrance examination and so I have no choice. Anyhow, I am destined to live alone in the city of Garden Grove. Hope I can see you while I am there. Your friend, Chong Il "What? Chong Il comes to Southern CaliforniaA city named Garden Grove" Dr. Kang was so excited that he couldn't sleep. Then, he studied the map of southern California. Garden Grove is a small city located at south of Los Angeles. It is the city where Disney land was nearby. "Oh, Garden Grove a far away city!" He immediately wrote a reply. Hi Chong Il Congratulations -- coming to US and have intensive training on liver transplantation. I sincerely hope you get good training in US and upon returning back to Korea, help more people needing your expertise. One thing I understand that the city of Garden Grove has Korea Town. Should I move there too? I want to stay with you. We can turn back the clock to the days when we spent hard daystogether in Viet Nam during the May of 1968. I am recalling the days in Quy Nhon. I hear that a city of Westminster adjacent to Garden Grove has a large Vietnamese population and created "Little Saigon". They even have Lex Hotel and Quy Nhon Noodle Shop. Who know? We may be able to meet Ninh whom we loved Your buddy, Sukho. "Huhhe wants to give up New York clinic and move toGarden Grove? What is he going to do with his 10 year old clinic?" Dr. Kim could not believe Dr. Kang's reply wanting to move but several month later, this became reality. During the month of May 1984, Dr. Kim came toGarden Grove for his surgical training. By then, Dr. Kang already bought a small condominium and opened a clinic for internal medicine. Finally they met! "Wow I am so happy to see you. So long time passed. Why should we be apart so far, so long?" They embraced in tears as this was true. They were very close friends almost like siblings but had to be apart for so long. Furthermore, Dr. Kang owed so much to Chong Il's father for his medical school education and he should not have been disconnected with Chong Il as he did. Fifty Story: Captain and boat people at South China Sea Two days had passed after the welcoming ceremony for Captain Chung at Vietnam town. Dr. Kang barely managed to meet Captain Chung at his hotel room in Korea Town. It was not easy because his schedule was very tight. He had planfor group tour to Utah and Las Vegas area and then he had numerous invitations by Vietnamese leaders. To Dr. Kang, Captain Chung in his hotel room was a plain old man from back country. But he also got an impression of a burning red Camellia blooming in the Isle of Geomoon Island. He also recalled a popular ballad saying "The legacy of Camellia flower petal". Truly, Captain Chung was a person of out of ordinary. Dr. Kang started hearing the life history directly from Captain Chung. At his young age 35, Mr. Chung was commissioned as the captain of a tuna boat his qualification included his training at Korean Naval Academy and more importantly, he was a son-in-law of the owner of Nam Young Fishery Company. "How? How did you become the owner's son-in-law?" He asked. Captain Chung was born in Masan, asouthern province and graduated Naval Academy at Jin-hae, a nearby city. After his graduation, as a fresh new naval ensign, he was commissioned as the commander of an LST (Landing Ship Tank) and his main duty was to patrol sea shores of South Korea. He was soon promoted to a lieutenant commanderbut in 1972, while on duty, an accident fell on him he felt dizzy and slipped from upper deck down to the lower deck. From this accident, he got fractured right wrist and rib cage. Unfortunately, his wrist fracture also damaged the hand muscle and he could not use his hand deftly. As this was a serious disability, he was discharged from armed service. He returned to his home town, Masan, but his dream of becoming an admiral and roaming all over the seven oceans was shattered. His was only 32 year old and found a seaman job in a fishing boat fleet owned by Nam Yang Fishery Company and soon was recognized an able seaman with formal training from navy. His hard work made him a favored employee to the company owner and eventually he ended up marrying the owner's daughter. Better opportunity opened up for him when, due to an unforeseen incident, the captain of a fishery boat named TongYoung, scheduled to sail to Samoa, could not do his job and Mr. Chung was named as the replacement. Many Korean commercial fishing boats headed to Samoa because the oceans near the Eastern and Western Samoa yielded good harvest of tuna fish. To reach Samoa, each boat had to pass South Eastern Sea. When the South Vietnam lost war on April 30thof 1975, many Vietnamese and Chinese-Vietnamese people fled the country via sea route. People inevitably ended up drifting in the open sea as no country or individual wanted them. It was an extra burden to marine merchant. Even worse, if anyone helped them, there was a good chance they were reprimanded by government or employer. If fleeing boat people were lucky, they were rescued by 7th fleet of US Navy and later settled in US. The Tong-young Boat left Korea on June 15th, 1975 and just was passing South-Eastern Sea when they found a battered drifting boat. Though the captain of Tongyoung boat wanted to help passengers of the drifting boat, as the crews were strongly against it, it was heading south to Samoa Islands. But by the insistence of the captain, the boat turned back to that drifting boat and rescued 96 exhausted passengers in the boat. 'Turn back the boat and rescue them!' was Captain Chung's order. This courageous act saved 96 precious lives. Dr. Kang wanted to know more about it so he said; "Captain Chung may I ask a Question? Just one Question is all I have!" "Surego ahead" "Captainno one wanted to help boat people at the time but you turned back the boat and rescued as many as 96 people despite of punishment you may get what motivated you? Why did you turn back?" ". . ." "I want to hear from youyour reason for that humane action!" "You really want to know about it? It is true that there were many other fishing boats of Japanese or Chinese origin but they did not want to help them because they could lose their fishing license. That is because Chinese and Vietnamese governments were harsh on those escapees. We happened to pass the drifting boat and our company policy also forbade any rescue action and the crews were also against it. So we decided not to rescue then and just proceeded to southern direction. But an image came to me and I had to turn back.""What kind of image? An image of dying refugees?" "No, noan image of dying soldier. A young officer" "A young officer?" "Yes the image was that of a young army officer. Let me explain. A day in the February of 1966, LSD (Landing Ship Dock) loaded with soldiers was leaving Pusan harbor heading Quy Nhon, Vietnam. The soldiers were members of Tiger Regiment going to war zone. All were excited and were singing military chant loudly. I was the captain of that LSD and as this was not the first time I was commanding the transport, calmly I was doing my duty. Soon the ship disembarked the harbor and headed for the open ocean. The familiar islands near Pusan Harbor were already beyond our sight and we hadpassed Kuje Island in south sea in Korean Peninsula. In no time, the ship was sailing open sea. Finally night darkness fell on the ship. I guessed it was somewhere between Kyushu, Japan and the shore of China. Me, the Captain Chung, climbed up to the upper deck. On that dark night, cool breeze was touching my face and I was enjoying the breeze. Then I noticed a young soldier in one corner of deck. He was gazing at the dark sea and was indulged in deep thinking, occasionally sighing heavily. I approached and asked; "Hello there aren't you sleeping?" "Oh-hello Captain!" His moon-lit face glimpsed a noble young man. His shoulder insignia showed that he was an army lieutenant of Tiger Regiment. It did not take a long time before we became friendly. He introduced himself as Army First Lieutenant, Sungmin Han of Tiger Regiment and Korean West Point graduate. I (Dr. Kang) was taken back "Captain Chung--Did you say his name was Sungmin Han?" "That is right. Captain Han Sungmin Han. He told me about his background" Captain Han was obviously a person with depression. According to what he said, he was born in the city of Chungju and his grand father was a priest in Episcopal church. His parents were executed by communists during Korean war and Sungmin was only 7 years old when the tragedy struck. He recalled very little about the death of his parents but vividly remembered frequent wailing of his grandfather broken-hearted by the loss. From this experience, he grew strong hatred against communists. Though his countenance was not that of a warrior, he willed to be a soldier and eventually succeeded in becoming a cadet of Korean Army Academy. During his days in Academy, something significant happenedthe cadet Han, an orphan thirsting for love and tender touch, fall in love with a girl of same age. She was a student majoring Fine Art. They had developed deep affection to each other and promised to get married. But one autumn evening, she committed suicide by taking overdose of sleeping pill. Her body was discovered 3 days after the death in a remote valley covered with fallen leaves. It was such a shock to everyone including Sungmin. Her body was buried in a hill near the town of Taenung where his boyfriend's military academy was close by. "Captain Han was sobbing when talking about her death. It seemed that he lost all the hopes of life and wanted to withdraw from the academy. But the school official insisted to continue as he was very close to graduation. So he stayed and commissioned as army second lieutenant. He served as a platoon leader stationed at the front line of Demilitarized Zone. But he became sick of the daily propaganda over the laud speakers by the North Koreans and as the loss of his sweetheart, Miss Hyun Sook Min, was so great, he developed some symptom of depression. To escape from that dire situation, he volunteered for Vietnam duty but it was a death trap!" "Did you say he volunteered after the death of his lover?" "Yes that is right!" Then lieutenant Han asked Captain Chung "This part of waterway is very pretty, Captain. Isn't it that you went naval academy because you loved this scenery?" "Well-yesbut …" Captain Chung could not answer to that unexpected Question. "There are many islands in this waterway. Which island is your most favorite one?" "WellKuje Island I like best but I favor all the other islands equally." "That so! Someday soon, I want to retire from army and settle in a deserted island and lead a peaceful life as a fisherman. While this ship was sailing, that thought preoccupied me." "Are you serious? You want to be a fisherman? As an ex-military officer, you have a lot of choices for your career! But why hide yourself in an island?" "I keep hearing the voice of Hyun-sook. I always thought she is alive somewhere. Now I seem to hear her voice clearer at this waterway. Maybe she is living somewhere in these islands. Then it dawned on me that the island is Ku-moon Island located at the Southern shore near the city of Yusoo." "Geomoon Island hmm" "Yes Geomoon Island. I can retire from army after a year service at Vietnam. Then I will settle in the Geomoon Island and lead a peaceful life. The voice of Hyun-sook will be my joy and consolation. Maybe I can be a lighthouse keeper. When Camellia flower blooms, I will sleep in the flower bed." "WowI like that idea. I will join you when I retire from my navy duty. I will catch fish and spread the Camellia flower petals to the oceanany why not? Iwill also join you as lighthouse keeper. OK lets reunited at the Geomoon Island after our military services!" "Finethat's a promise, Captain. A promise I will keep for sure!" "Lieutenant, I also make a solid promise with you!" Captain spoke in excitement. By then the ship passed Korea Straights and heading toward the Isle of Okinawa. Late next day, the transport arrived at the Quy Nhon harbor and the soldiers marched off the ship to their respective camps. Next morning, the transport sailed to Vong Tau harbor and anchored there for 3 weeks then sailed back to Korea transporting wounded soldiers from battle field. Captain Chung, while anchored in Vong Tau harbor, kept on thinking about Lieutenant Han. The noble looking lieutenant may better off as a common citizen than pursuing a career of a warrior. He felt sorry for his depressed mood caused by the death of his loving girlfriend he seemed to have given up all the hope of life. "Yes, indeed. When my military duty is over, I will live a quite life at Geomoon Island. There, I can be with lieutenant Han." He pledged. Next morning, the ship was scheduled to depart this harbor and head for Pusan, Korea. The evening fell into darkness. The harbor dock was piled with supplies and goods for home. Finally the small boxes holding dead soldier's ash were being loaded. But what a surprise! Captain Chung found a box with a name written as "The late Captain, Sungmin Han". "What? Captain Han? Han Sungmin?" He guessed that first lieutenant Han who proudlymarched off the boat to his camp was killed in action and now posthumously promoted to a captain. "Oh lieutenantyou died!" He wailed over the little box. "We promised to be at the Geomoon Island to lead a quiet life! Didn't you say you want to live there so that you may meet your old lover? But how come you are in this small box!" "Did you say Lieutenant Han? He is one of my closest friends. There are three of us-- him, me and another guy who pledged brotherhood for our lives. We called ourselves as "three brother stars" but he left us first." "Really? You were his closest friend!" "Yesmy dear friend ... we grew up together. He was the only grandson of an Episcopal priest". "AhI got it. Then I have a Question to you, Dr. Kang-- I don't think Lieutenant Han volunteered Vietnam service just because of his dead girl friendwere there any other reason?" "Surelyas much as the death of his girlfriend, he was motivated by death of his parents who were shot to death by Communists during Korean war. To revenge killers of his parents, he entered military academy and commissioned as an army officer. Consequently, he volunteered that tour of duty to Vietnam to fight communists." Dr. Kang recalled the vivid memory of the funeral service of Lieutenant Han on a day in March of 1966. Now he remembered the date as March 2nd in 1966, an early spring day with sprinkling snow. At the national military cemetery in Dongjak-dong, Lieutenant Han's ash was being buried amongst the sobbing of family and friends. Military band was playing a tune of Requiem. Only a month ago, Sukho Kang and Chong-il Kim held sending off drinking party for Sungmin Han at a roadside café near Chongryang Street. One week prior, Sungmin was promoted to first Lieutenant and therefore his new insignia was shining over his shoulder patch. "Soldiers of Tiger Corp! We protect our nation for the freedom and unification!!" Amidst laud war chant, friends noticed the tear from the eyes of Sungmin. These dear friends knew he is weeping in the memory of his girl friend who committed suicide a little over a year ago. "Hey forget about heryou can find another fine lady for your girl friend!" "SukhoI can not help it. She is continuously calling me. So I am leaving to Vietnam so that I can forget about her at that foreign land." "Is that why you volunteered the Vietnam duty?" "Yes, yes. I have a hunch that I can meet her over there!""Are you crazy? How can you meet her there? Calm down!!" Sukho shouted. "YesI may be able to find her at Vietnam." Sungmin was crying. "Guys, perk up! You are a brave soldiera proud officer of Korean Army! Tiger corp! How shameful if you cry!" "Yes your are right. I just want to forget all about her. And want to forget everything!" Without any further hesitation, he left for Vietnam. Then Sukho get a letter from Sungmin saying he arrived there safely but within three days, he got a telegram from Defense Ministry notifying his death. "The late First Lieutenant Sungmin Hankilled in an action at Pleiku" It did not take very long before a white box containing his ash arrived and his funeral was held at the national cemetery. His grandfather and his sister, Soonhae couldn't stop weeping. Their sorrow far surpassed the grief they had about a year and half ago, when Sungmin's girl friend, Hyunsook Min's suicide and subsequent funeral. Captain Chung spoke; "Ah! That was the story! Only if I knew about his sad historyI would have comforted and encouraged him better when we were talking onthe deck of transport! Anyway,the memory of Lieutenant Han actually made me to turn the boat back to rescue the Vietnamese refugees. While running away from the refugee boat, I was struck by the image of Lieutenant Han who returned home in a small ash box. When I saw that box, I was talking to myself, 'Oh, I hate the war. So many precious young men have to be sacrificed. Sungmin who is like my own brother perishes in such a short time --- then I started pitying the Vietnamese and ended up with a resolution that from now on, I would help them anyway I can. The care and the love I reserved for Sungmin, I wanted give to the souls of Vietnam.' So I commanded to turn back to the refugee boat to save those 96 desperate people begging to be rescued." "Oh thanks captain. You cared for my best fried so much it is like you cared for me." "Caring for you, Dr. Kang?" "Yes, indeed. By the way, when are you returning back to Geomoon Island?" "Very shortly. I am too much burdened by the wonderful welcome by my dear Vietnamese friends. I better return home. I miss the Camellia flowers in the island. The flower is in bloom around the Samho-bridge. I also miss the cemetery for British soldiers overlooking twin islands. Just like Lieutenant Han, those British soldiers stationed there were dying at the battle field while longing for their lovers back home. Their perished souls have been incarnated as the red petals of Camellia flowers. I will live my remaining life over there as a common fisherman and light house keeper. Western part of the island has a long ridge way and there is a 365 step stairway. I will climb the stairs and will think about that 96 Vietnamese refugees and Lieutenant Han who were weeping on the transport deck. I will include you, Dr. Kang in my memory and treasure the knowledge of sincere friendship of you triple buddies." Captain Jung firmly held Dr. Kang's hands and continued "Dr. KangI have only a short stay here but you are a medical doctor serving this community. Please take care of those Vietnamese friends for methey really need help. They almost perished in the Southern China Sea." "Sure, I will. In return, please do not forget my friend. Oh, someday soon, I will visit the Camellia-filled Geomoon Island. I hope to meet you at the harbor of the island. No, I want to stay there and live with you. This is a promiseso long until that time!" "If you desire, please come any time. I will wait for you. That is the island where Lieutenant Han's soul is resting in peace." "You got my word!" Dr. Kang made firm promise and parted with Captain Jung. When he left the hotel, it was already 2 PM and his beeper was ringing for his attention. Sixth Story: The stony stairs to the cathedral "Hello Dr. Kangit is meDr. James Yamashiro, the psychiatrist!" Then over the phone, he offered his sincere gratitude for taking care of his patient. That Mrs. Rose McKnight who was sent to the county hospital several days ago from the emergency room had recovered enough to be back to her resident hospital at Brea. Dr. Yamashiro asked Dr. Kang for continued care for her pneumonia and other physical problems. Then he added, "Dr. Kangshe has typical symptoms of severe depression she does not utter a word nor has any facial expression. My prognosis is that it will take very long time to recover so she will stay at this hospital for a while. I even worry that she can never leave this hospital alive." "Is she that serious? What a poor patient!" "Yes, you are right!" Dr. Kang sighed in pity. As the name, Rose McKnight lingered in his mind, there was no reason to refuse his request. Dr. Kang guessed a close link between the two namesSungmin Han who came back from Vietnam in an ash box and Mark McKnight the American friend of Chong-il Kim. Sungmin Han, Soonhae Han and their grandpa, the Father Paul Han were Kang's close family members. Next evening, after closing his clinic, Dr. Kang skipped dinner and directly headed for Brea Psychiatric Hospital to see Rose. Both her husband and her daughter, Jennifer sat near her bedside. The husband was a typical bespectacled Irish American in his 60s. His hair was completely gray and gave an impression of gentle personality. After a brief acknowledgement to the family members, Dr. Kang checked Rose McKnight. Indeed, she was fully recovered from her pneumonia and breathing comfortably in her bed. But obviously no one groom her and still smell was unbearable. Her disheveled figure reminded Dr. Kang of a "devil" face he saw in some horror movies. Routinely, Dr. Kang checked her lung and heart and read her clinic chart carefully. As before, she did not say a word and did not respond to the doctor's requests like "breath hard" or "exhale now". Her facial expression was stiff and she never smiled. "Is she a human or a devil with so much hatred?" Dr. Kang pitied her. He was thinking that a person of deep depression did not posses any human dignity. Her daughter sitting next to her was equally emotionless --just staring at her mother. Dr. Kang explained to her husband. "Mr. McKnightShe recovered a lot. She does not need any more medication. With proper diet regime, she will fully recover. But she seems to have lost her speech function!" "Yes doctor. Past 10 year, she was speechless. And about past 3 years, she has been expressionless. She has been a long-term patient in this hospital for a year!" "Doesn't long-term patient mean she has no hope of recovery from her severe psychiatric problem?" "You are rightMy wife Rose has a severe depression and further developed manic-depression. She attempted suicide several times. She is a failed immigrant to America. Her intense homesickness developed into a strong hatred against her own husband and this country". "Home-sickness!" "Yes, indeed. My wife came from Korea30 years ago!" "Ohso she is a Korean! I thought she is a Japanese." "Well, she is a 100% Korean--from Choongchung province." "Really? From Choongchung province?" Dr. Kang felt like being struck by thunderbolt. The name, McKnight, convinced him that this graying gentleman should be the same Mark McKnight he played with during their childhood. "Mark McKnight…. Mark McKnight…" He mumbled. "Dr. Kangwhat did you say? Did you repeatedly call my name?" "Ahyes, yes…" Sukho could not continue and rather handed him his name card saying, "I was wondering if you are someone I knew before." "Really? Do you know my name?" Mark was equally puzzled and handed his name card in return. Dr. Kang glanced at the Korean patient, Rose McKnight on his way out but she did not show any sign of reaction and the stench from her was unbearable. "Boywhat a difficult patient!" He hurried out of the hospital somewhat disgusted. Then he felt a pang of hunger. On the way to his apartment, he noticed a road sign. It was a sign of McDonald hamburger that reminded him of a name. " HmmMac! McKnight? Sure he got to be that McKnight!" He entered the shop and ordered a hamburger. While munching on that hamburger, he pulled out the name card Rose's husband handed him at the hospital. It said; [Professor Mark McKnight, Department of Economics, California State University] --Mark McKnight? Young boy, Sukho Kang met him 36 years ago in 1957 but to understand the situation better, we need to pull back time machine back to 1954 that is three years prior. "Why that year 1954? Well, this may not make any impression to young generation of nowadays but to those older generations who underwent the time of hardship and poverty right after the Korean War, the year is filled with bitter sweet memories. To the young boy, Sukho, this was a year he advanced from a makeshift temporary school to a regular school. Also, this is the year when this young boy met his friends, Sungmin Han, Chong-il Kim and Soonhae Han!" Sukho's family drifted around a lot then settled down in this city, Chungjoo when his father was hired as the guard at the Episcopal church. The elementary school that Sukho attended was surrounded by tall fir and platanas trees. Seen from the playground, eastern direction had a hill full of trees. It was amazing that those trees survived all the scars of savage war which just ended. Another surprise was that at the top the hill, one could find a European castle styled brick building. It was the Chung Joo Episcopal Cathedral Church. There were two paths to reach the church buildingone is a neatly built brick stair way and the other was a graveled side road winding around the hill. At the front gate of this cathedral, a dark uniformed security guard was stationed checking everyone who entered the perimeter. Nearby road was filled with street venders selling food and fruits. As his father was one of the guards, young Sukho frequented this area. One of Sukho's close friends was Sungmin and his father was the head priest of the church. That 58 year grandfather was living in a cozy western styled house inside the church compound. In this house, Sungmin's parents were arrested by communist soldiers and later shot to death. The North Koreans originally targeted head priest but could not find him and his son and his wife were sacrificed instead. The blooded parents were dragged to a spot and someone later said they were thrown in a ditch to die. Due to this tragic incident, young Sungmin and Soonhae became orphans but sympathetic church parishioners took care of them and even treatedthis sibling as prince and princess. They both attended same elementary school Sukho was attending. Another friend Sukho met was Chong-il Kim. His father was the owner of a brewery and he was one of the richest men in town. And Chong-il's father kept close relationship with the head priest. Therefore Sungmin and Chong-il were like family members, eating and sleeping together. Naturally, Soonhae, who was three years younger, called both "brothers". As for Sukho, he was well liked and was one of the smartest students in school. As his father worked at the church, all three boys and Soonhae became close friends. But in Sukho's young mind, he had deep rooted inferiority complex that he was a son of security guard and a poor refugee from North Korea. So he did not expect any privilege or special treatment from others. "I will let the other two have everything and if still there is something leftover , I will take it!" was his attitude. But thankfully, Chong-il's father and the head priest treated Sukho like their own son. So Sukho played with the prince and princess of the church as well as the rich kid, Chong Il. These boys and a girl played hide-and-seek or collected fallen leaves for bookmarks. One of the wonders to the kids was the well-built stony stair leading to the church. Each stair was made of stone blocks cut into square form. That stair path was crowded with many people walking up hands-in-hands. Side of the path was covered with dense forest and often young lovers sat intimately on the stair step. These kids played around the stairs and often played with pebbles. At the triangle shaped cathedral tower, bells rang precisely at 6 AM, noon and 6 PM and the ringing filled some heart with sadness. Most memorable moments that young Sukho had was the moments he spent with young Soonhae around this stone stair path. The steepness of stairs did not matter while playing with beautiful girl. He always wished to see the inside of cathedral and head priest's resident. Due to his socially low status asa son of security guard, it was only a dream. But this dream materialized with the help of an 8-year old girl, Soonhae. They were playing with pebbles and inched to the top of stairs and reached to entrance of the cathedral. Unexpectedly, the girl opened door and they entered inside cathedral. Inside was rather dark but soon he could recognize many statues around the sanctuary and color stained glasses on the windows. There was a statue of Mary holding a baby and another painting of a long bearded man with a cane holding a lamb. When they reached that painting, Soonhae exclaimed "Brother Sukhothis is a picture of Jesus!" "Jesus? Is he American?" "No, Jesus was born in Israel. If you believe in him, you will go to heaven." "Believe in Jesus?" "Yes. If you have any wishes, pray to Him. Then everything your wish will come true!" "Anything?" "Yes, indeed, Brother. And I was taught that he died for our sins." "So he gave his life for every sinner!" "Yes. So he can give everything for those he loves." "Everything" "I wish I can give something for you." "Do you mean for me?" Young Sukho learned a lot from this young girl, Soonhae and slowly understood bible stories and gospel teaching. He was deeply moved by Soonhae's remark that she wanted to give something to him. Sukho slowly fell in love with her. How he can resist her tender and soft touch that warmed his heart? She wanted give him everything and how can he say no and ran away? But 3 years later in 1957, such bit of amore was lost when a new priest from US headquarter moved in. Chungjoo Episcopal Church had serious financial problems and the head office decided to send a new managing priest instead of just providing financial support. His name was Peter McKnight. At his younger age 45, he ruled over the 57 year old Korean head priest. He had a son who was year older than these Korean boys and had larger body frame. His name was Mark and he seemed be superior to the other Korean boys. Mark lived in a Western-style house behind the cathedral. They brought food and other appliances from US and once inside, you would feel like being in US. Mark, with white skin and blond hair could speak little Korean and rarely mingled with Korean kids. When he did, he was arrogant and tried to dominate over the other boys. One trouble was that Mark had an eye on Soonhae and even her grandfather seemed to approve it. Therefore the peaceful relationship among these kids was changed drastically. It was double burden to Sukho who already had strong rival, Chong-il. But Mark seemed to be even stronger rival and he was no match. "Though I love Soonhae, it is an impossible dream. Chong-il is better match. Now Mark is even better candidate …" But that relationship problem was nothing compared to the tragic event he got around that time. He could never forget that dreaded moments on a day in the Fall of 1957. The autumn wind was flying tree leaved all over the stony stair path. Sukho was returning from school to find his unconscious mother on the floor. His mother, who often suffered from shortness of breath and though neighbors helped to take her to the hospital, she could not be revived. Three days later, church arranged burial in a public cemetery at a nearby hill. Sukho felt like he lost everything. The family fled from North Korea and she had lived a hard life and eventually passed away by heart trouble. Whenever he thought of his mother, he went to the stony stair way and sat there a long time. His father occasionally joined him. One Saturday afternoon, he was longing his mother and went to the church when he saw Soonhae. "BrotherI know you are very sad." "Yes--Thanks" "SukhoI am not different. I do not have mother or father. I am an orphan. My heart pains whenever I think about my mother. But I can not remember her face. Neither can I remember my father!" "Because you were too young when they died!""Yes, indeed." The young Sukho surprised by the discovery that behind that pretty face of Soonhae, she was hiding her sorrow and loneliness. Oh, the paining heart! Now he could understand why occasionally she was sitting on the stairs and crying. Though her grandfather gave everything he could, it could not fill the emptiness of lost parents. The ringing bell at the tower equally made her sad. This made Sukho to feel much closer to her. Soonhae made unexpected suggestion. "Brotherhow about we play a game to climb the stairs. We will toss signs and whoever wins will climb. The one who reach the top of stairs first win!" Sukho agreed and they started play the game with happy feeling. There were total 44 stairs and it was long way to the top. Climbing up was like a medieval monk undergoing religious penance. Sukho was the first to reach the top and the area was already getting dark. "I won! I won!" he shouted with joy.His joy was not only from that he won a hard game but also he was having solo time with Soonhae. But in front of this happy boy, Mark's big body was waiting. "You won? How dare you miserable son of guard!" Then his big fist hit Sukho's face. With scream, Sukho fell on stairs and rolled down 6 steps where Soonhae was standing. "Come on Mark! What are you doing, you bad boy!"She cried out. "So, I told you not to play with this lowly guy!"Mark was talking to Soonhae as if he was a guardian. "Sukho, Sukho dear!" Soonhae pulled Sukho from ground and held him in her arms. Soon, Sukho recovered and stood up covering his face. "Who is thisyou are Sukho, aren't you? Are you all right?" It was Father Han and he was gently holding Sukho and his face turned sternly to Mark. "Mark, apologize to Sukho. It was you who did wrong!" "WellI am sorry!" Mark reluctantly spoke and turned back to his house grumbling. Priest Han softly talked to Sukho. "Are you ok? Your face got red. Let's get in our home and have dinner together. I am sorry for you. Let's hurry, Sukho and Soonhae." But Sukho felt so shamed and embarrassed to have shown his misery of being knocked down in front of Soonhae. He felt like he was a prisoner of a defeated army. "Father, I am fine. I should better go home. Soonhaebye." Weakly speaking, he hurried down the stairs and ran away from the cathedral. He really felt he was a loser. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Though he had rough encounter with Mark, as time passed, they became friends. The triple friendship of Jongil, Sungmin and Sukho now expanded to 4 members and this new member broke the original intimacy between three boys. But as Mark attended high school and later went to college in California, Mark spent more time in US than in Korea. Only during the term breaks, Mark joined boys. He was a stronger competitor for Soonhae not only to Sukho but even to Chong-il. His nationality and background made these Korean boys shrink before Mark. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sukho, Chong-il and Sungmin advanced to same high school and three years later, Sukho was admitted as premed at Y- university and Chong-il as premed at S-University. But surprisingly, Sungmin entered Military Academy. Everyone was surprised but he had a good reason. He always longed for his parents who were killed by communists during Korean war. His hatred against the North Korean communists motivated Sungmin to want to be a soldier after his military academy. He wanted revenge of his parents. Therefore, these three close friends had to be separated because each boy chose different college. Sukho had to move to Seoul for education but he was a bit reluctant to move out due to his lingering affection for Soonhae and his rivalry with Chong-il. Sukho went to the stony stair in a hope to meet Soonhae before he moved outbut his heart sank when he saw Soonhae and Chong-il sitting side by side at the stone stair. "That's what I thought. Soonhae is much closer to Chong-il than me. That actually is more natural. He is rich and they knew each other longer than I did." So he just watched her at a distance and returned home without saying farewell to her. A few days later, he packed up and moved to Seoul. Though he had some financial help from Father Han and Chong-il's father, actual expense was far greater. To make his ends meet, he had to work as a private tutor. He received a parcel from Soonhae who was still a high school girl. It was unexpected. It contained a letter which read; "Sukhoit's me, Soonhae. Why did you leave this town without saying goodbye? Even Chong-il came to me to say farewell. I heard you are tutoring kids to earn money how hard your life would be! I am sending you some food. When you eat this, please remember me!" "Oh, Soonhae sent me a parcel! Did you ask why I did not meet you? I didn't because I could not face you!" Sukho was deeply moved. "So, she loves me--- " His gained some self-confidence. Though socially or economically, he was not a match for Soonhae, he realized her true heart was to him. He decided "Yes, I am a medical student. I don't have to feel inferior to anyone. After graduation, I become a medical doctor and I am equal to any other guys!" He studied very hard. Being successful in his career was the only way to escape from poverty. He did not want to remain as a "son-of-security guard". Maybe more serious motivation was his desire to be a qualified husband of Soonhae. His close friend, Sungmin was less stressed in his military cadet training. Heeven pursued romance by dating a girl he knew from home town. Her girlfriend, Hyunsook Min majored Western Fine Art and was an amateur poet. Someone said"To write a poem, you must has a clean and pure heart because you must reveal your inner heart in your poem", and this was the case with Hyunsook. She and the three boys had a lot in commonfrom same home town, live-in college students and nostalgic about their family and town. Four years passed and when the boys became seniors of college, Soonhae graduated from her high school and joined these home town folks. Boys and girls in a small town moved up in capital and were living new lives as maturing youth. Soonhae's major was Eastern Fine Art, a fitting career for her background and talent. As her major was similar to Hyunsook's, two were very close and eventually lived in a same house. Naturally, the three young men frequented this house and spent a lot of time together. Medical students, a cadet and fine art majors made a good combination for fun and they traveled back to hometown together. This happy companionship was disturbed occasionally when a young American man showed up. He is Mark McKnight, a graduate of New York University. By now, he was a very prominent young man with a promising future. So, many took for granted that he was the best match for Soonhae. "Wow, this is a perfect match. We are going to hear about their wedding when Soonhae graduate from her college!" But such remarks offended Chong-il, not to mention of paining Sukho. Even Chong-il's father got mad. "What are you talking about? In my plan, Soonhae is my future daughter-in-law!" Chong-il added. "Yes, SoonhaeI love you dearly!" But Sukho could not open up his heart. He could only mumble his affectionate feeling toward her to himself. "Yes, I love you too. But I know you supposed to be wife of Chong-il. But just in case you don't marry him, can you marry me?" But lights are usually followed by shadows. These happy times were shaken by a hardship. It was a day in the autumn of 1964. Sungmin had only a semester to go before being commissioned as an army officer and his girlfriend, Hyunsook, was also near graduation. Chong-il and Sukho were in their sophomore years of medical school and Soonhae was still a freshman. A shocking event occurredHyunsook, who used to show some sign of depression ended up committing suicide. This pretty, talented and warm heartedfuture fine artist traveled alone to a mountain stream and took overdose of sleeping pill then covered herself with fallen leaves while she had strength then slowly died in her sleep. Her body was discovered three days later. She left a suicide note; "My beloved SungminHow long do we have to live? My affection to you is like peak point of a curve. I want to keep this moment of bliss forever. I am so happy this moment and don't want to lose it. By killing myself, I am stopping clock at the happiest moment. And my love, Soonhaesorry I am missing a chance to call you my sister-in-law. I will meet your parents in the heaven before you, Sungmin and Soonhae. Someday, we will all be together again! Hyunsook, a foolish girl" "What, Hyunsook died? Why, why!!" Sungmin and all her friends couldn't stop weeping during her funeral and burial processes. Her body was buried on a small hill overlooking Sungmin's Military Academy. Soonhae was stricken with deeper grief than her brother because she was such a close friend who shared living quarter, emotion and future plan with Hyunsook. Hyunsook's family was finishing off the funeral procedure and Soonhae had to return back to her boarding house. No longer would she share the room with Hyunsookshe was all alone. Unexpectedly, Soonhae still in tears appealed Sukho. "Sukho, please take me to my house." "Me? Why me? You better ask Chong-il he is there. He has a car that will bring you home quicker." Sukho said in low voice. "NoI want you to bring me home." "ME?" Sukho was very surprised but hearing this, Chong-il got offended and drove away. Sukho held Soonhae so that she could walk on. They walked down the hill and passed a bridge. The trees were shedding leaves and from a distant, a bell was tolling. It was getting dark. "Sukhocan you answer why Hyunsook had to die? Or is there any answer?" " . . . " Sukho could not say a word. "Sukhowhen I die, would I be buried like Hyunsook?" "What? You shouldn't talk about death!" "SukhoAm I allowed to love you?" "Oh!" Sukho's heart pounded. And his throbbing heart was filled with joy. "Sukhoyou love me too, aren't you?" "Do I love you? Of course!" "Oh, me too!" Sukho was overjoyed. He could not hold his tears hearing the confession of love from the princess, Soonhae. He was a beggar prince but he won Soonhae's heart over Chong-il. On the day when her future sister-in-law's cold body was buried, Sukho got love confession from Soonhae and he swore himself that he will keep this moment and this promise throughout his life. [Yes SoonhaeI love you. You, you are my love forever!] Sukho shouted while watching river streaming down. [Yes Soonhae. I love you, love you ….] Seventh Story: Reunion after 30 years
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
41 English-거문도 소설. Part 3 연규호 2012.02.02 285
» English-Camellia,거문도에 핀..Part 2 연규호 2012.02.02 678
39 Fiction, Camellia 거문도에 핀 동백 꽃은 영문 소설, English Part 1 연규호 2012.02.02 777
38 나의 소설 작법. 연규호 2012.01.26 457
37 소설 내가 사랑한 몽골의 여인들 파트 4 연규호 2012.01.25 863
36 소설. 내가 사랑한 몽골의 여인들 파트 3 연규호 2012.01.25 137
35 소설. 내가 사랑한 몬골의 여인들 파트 2 연규호 2012.01.25 643
34 장편소설, 내가 사랑한 몽골의 여인들 파트 1 연규호 2012.01.25 704
33 소설, 아프리카에서 온 편지 파트 5 연규호 2012.01.24 516
32 소설, 아프리카에서 온 편지 파트 4 연규호 2012.01.24 581
31 소설 아프리카에서 온 편지 파트 3 연규호 2012.01.24 552
30 소설, 아프리카에서 온 편지 파트 2 연규호 2012.01.24 507
29 소설, 아프리카에서 온 편지 파트1 연규호 2012.01.24 662
28 소설 내고향은 소록도 파트 7 연규호 2012.01.23 496
27 소설, 내고향은 소록도 파트 6 연규호 2012.01.23 536
26 소설, 내고향은 소록도 파트 5 연규호 2012.01.23 715
25 소설, 내고향은 소록도 파트 4 연규호 2012.01.23 612
24 소설, 내고향은 소록도 파트 3 연규호 2012.01.23 638
23 소설, 내고향은 소록도 파트 2 연규호 2012.01.23 587
22 장편소설, 내고향은 소록도 파트 1 연규호 2012.01.23 671

새 글:
