Fiction The Camellia Part 5

2012.02.02 13:24

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Thirteenth Story: At the Crystal Cathedral Church in Garden Grove Sukho went home but he could not sleep. He spent a sleepless night thinking about two women he loved. He remembered one of them, Soonhae saying, "Dear SukhoI love you too but as I am getting older, I have to choose between you two. And I don't know what to do…" When she chose Chong-il, Sukho could not protest. Her choice was making sense. Not only he was wealthier and smarter, the two knew each other much longer than Sukho did. This meant Chong-ilhad a seniority right. So all he could do was watching the two from a distance still loving Soonhae. But she betrayed both and married Mark. But she ended up a depression patient after moving to US. Even worse fate was met by the other woman, Ninh. She was killed by pirates and thrown into the South China Sea. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Next morning, Dr. Kang decided to skip his clinic duty. His heart was too heavy to see patients. He wanted to go somewhere when he heard a chime bell from distance. From his resident, the famous Crystal Cathedral Church was located in short driving distance. So he headed for the church as he did many times before. As name indicated, this Crystal Church was built using special glass panes. So inside of sanctuary was visible and it had a famous bell tower which played full scale hymns. Whenever he heard the chime bells, he was reminded of his young days back in Chungju. His father ringed the church bell precisely at 6 AM, noon and 6 PM. He never missed the ringing and his timing was always perfect. This memory made him yarning for his father who passed away long time ago. Also memory came back when Soonhae guided him around the church explaining the paintings and figurines "This painting shows Peter. That is Stephen. …" Then he recalled the sweet memory of his walking with Ninh around the leper town where Ninh was volunteering to serve. So whenever he visited this church, he felt like being home again. A short distance away, he could reach the famous theme park, Disneyland with its swan castle. As his clinic was close to these landmarks, he often stopped by this church and relaxed. The chime bell was playing a tune of hymn which Sukho was familiar. He softly sang along the tune. When you are lonely and solitude, Who will comfort you? When you are lonely and heavy hearted, Someone is praying for you! "Oh, someone is praying for me and someone is praying for you! " He walked toward the main structure of the church compound. He sat under the bell tower and repeated the tune he just heard from the chime bell. Then he prayed for Soonhae at Brea Psychiatric Hospital and Ninh who were buried deep down in South China Sea. His tear streamed down on his face. His heart was aching and prayed more sincerely for these two women. Maybe this was the first time he prayed for others so sincerely. The presence of Jesus was felt on him. "Every human being is so weak and powerless. Before you my Creator, we are not much different from this pebble. Oh Lordcure Soonhae from her disease of mind. Also give comfort to Ninh who is suffocating deep down in the sea!" His prayer was simple but sincere. Then someone was tapping his shoulder. "You are praying so sincerely! Why not go to the prayer chamber? It is just over there." It was a cleanly dressed old gentleman "Thank you sir. But I am done. I was about to leave." "Are you? By the way, I am Rev. Schulerthe senior pastor of this church." "Oh Dr. Schuler!" Sukho was pleasantly surprised. Meeting the famous Rev. Schuler! "I would like to invite you to my office for a cup of coffee. I was moved by your sincerity and reminded myself that today is Good Friday." So he followed his and shared coffee break with him and briefly told his prayer subjects. "So your name is Dr. Kang? Look at the cross over there everyday. And don't stop praying for the soul of those precious people you have known. Do you remember the hymnal? When I survey the wondrous cross, On which the Prince of glory died, My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. That is what you need. Now pour your contempt and memory of the person who died in South China Sea and let the Lord consol her soul. Same goes with another lady. Now let loose of your contempt to her and send her back to her family. Just as Jesus died for you, He also died for them. Everyone is equally precious. Now you may go and please stop by whenever you are lonely." They parted and Sukho realized it was Good Friday evening. Jesus died on the cross on this day and 3 days later he resurrecteda victory of His Kingdom. Resurrection? Can Ninh be resurrected? "Oh Dr. Kang. Jesus died for then as well as for you. Now leave their souls to Lord and do your duty. You have a commission of taking care of your patient. Focus on your duty!" Those valuable advises by Rev. Schuler was ringing in his ear. Fourteenth Story: Despair-Hopelessness Good Friday Sukho, first time in his life, he skipped clinic without good excuse. After all these experiences, he felt like life had little meaning. His life of past 60 years turned out to be meaningless. But he noticed something was wrong with his health. He was continuously thirsty and vision was dimmed. He lost appetite and urine color turned very dark. He experienced frequent cold sweat and strange sensation in the stomach. Most alarming, he lost his weight by 10 lbs. "OhI am so tired." He mumbled several times. He laid himself on bed and in exhaustion, he fell to sleep like a dead fish. Next morning, he met Dr. Liu at the hospital cafeteria. Dr. Liu was his close friend having same specialty of internal medicine. Dr. Liu graduated from Kaoshung Medical School in Taiwan and had specialist training at New York hospital with Dr. Kang. Looking at Sukho's face, Dr. Liu was surprised; "Hey Dr. Kangyou look very bad! Also your skin color is not normal too yellowish!" Dr. Kang explained what has happened for the past few days. "Dr. Kangyou should take care of yourself first. I think you need good rest. I will attend your patients so take it easy!" Then he forced him to draw blood sample for lab test. It was trueDr. Kang wanted to follow Dr. Liu's advises. He wanted to take vacation at sea shore or mountain. Or he even wanted to fold up his medical practice and retire. Then he got a surprise call from Mark McKnight. "Dr. Kang I wantto meet you. I want to show you something. Can you come to the Denney's Restaurant near the Brea Hospital? I will wait for you." He was not willing but complied to his request by walking to the restaurant. Mark was greeted him with big smile. "Dr. Kang-- My wife Soonhae was dischargedfrom hospital." "Discharged already?" "Yes you are right. Now she talks and cooks. She came back to normal. We owe all this to you. You cured her, Dr. Kang!" "Really? I am so glad!" Then they moved to his home nearby. That was a neat and beautiful two story house. Soonhaecame out to welcome them. She had completely changed. She regained her old elegance and cute smile. "Soonhae! Now you are fully recovered!""Yes SukhoI thank you for this." Before Mark, they hugged. His heart was pounding with old excitement and her heart seemed pounding too. 'OhSoonhae I have been waiting for you all this years.' But then, he reminded Rev. Schuler's advice. "Dr. Kang forget the past. Cast off anything of no value. Let loose of your contempt to her and send her back to her family." "Do you say my attachment to Soonhae has no value?" "Yes. That is true!" After a short stay, Sukho was leaving McKnight's home and on his way out, he broke into tears. "Give up now. No more contempt for Soonhae!" When he came back home in Garden Grove, it was very dark. He was looking at the portraits of Ninh and Soonhae on his desk. He had pitied both women but his perception changed this evening. Ninh was buried in South China Sea but she would someday resurrect into new person. Soonhae was recovered from her depression and became a normal person. Actually she regained her posture and was shining like a jewel and was blooming like a flower. "Yes, it is clear now. I should give up all. Cast off anything of no value…" He tore off the portraits of two women he had been carrying for 30 years and threw in trash basket. "Cast off everything of no value …" He was silently weepingafter casting off his attachment, he felt like he was left with nothing. But after giving up, Sukho regained peace of mind and resumed his daily routine of treating patients. A week passed when he got a phone call from Dr. Liu. "Dr. KangI need talk to you now. We get the lab results for your blood test and …" What he said next was a shock. From unknown causes, Dr. Kang had Hepatitis C for a while. Hepatitis C is a viral disease infected through blood transfusion and a very serious disease leading hepatic insufficiency or it can even develop into liver cancer. For Dr. Kang, the GPT value indicating the level of liver function showed 450 though normal range was 45 or less. Albumin value was too low and globulin value was too high. These lab results clearly showed Dr. Kang was at the stage of hepatic insufficiency. Poor Dr. Kang had been treating other patients despite that he himself was a very sick person. For more accurate diagnosis, Liu ordered to collect another blood sample to read the level of Alpha Fetoprotein. He also scheduled ultra-sound imaging for abdomen area. "Wowam I a hepatic insufficiency patient?"Dr. Kang could not believe. He recalled some of hepatic insufficiency patients he treated. In one case, first sign of trouble was poor appetite and severe fatigue. A blood test indicated both hepatic insufficiency and liver cancer. Within two months, the symptom gotten much worse he spitted blood and went to comatose state. Despite extensive medical care, the patient died after two months. Another hepatic insufficiency patient was a medical doctor and was Dr. Kang's close friend. He was an internist practicing in Michigan. He was infected with hepatitis B but he did not treat it properly. Rather he worked too hard and had too much alcohol to relieve himself from stress. One day, on his way home, he started bleeding and rushed to hospital. Despite 4 hour surgery to stop bleeding, he died at his young age of 45. This happened 15 years ago and everyone heard about his death was shocked in disbelief. Then there was another patient who was diagnosed with liver infection and hepatic insufficiency. He was treated using various medications including interferon and luckily he was fully recovered. His GPT returned to normal and he led a normal, healthy live. Another case he recalled was a hepatic insufficiency and livercancer patient. He had death sentence at his age 52. Finally, he was in coma and at the hospital, he was waiting to die. On that day, a young man rushed to the same hospital emergency room. He was a casualty of a traffic accident and he soon died. His immediate family agreed to donate his organ and this patient was donated with this young man's liver. After liver transplantation surgery, the patient was fully recovered. By this miracle, he moved from hell to paradise. Dr. Kang became very anxious. His will power was severely weaken due to the sequence of events happened during past few months. "So I got liver infection and my liver was damaged so much, it does not function properly. I am finished!" He sighed in despair. There was no hope and he got scared. He himself fell into depressive state frequently crying and wanting to kill himself. Then in this day of desperation, his mind was searching for someoneit was Soonhae who had been a depression patient herself. He wanted to meet her and be comforted by her. He needed her soft touch. So he dropped in her house without announcement. Both Soonhae and Mark were surprised by his visit. Though Sukho wanted to open up his feeling but with Mark's presence, he could not confide his feeling. Come to think of it, Soonhae belonged to Mark, not him. They talked about old days at Chungjoo and laughed about the number of steps at the church. Soonhae was laughing brightly and showed her full recovery. He could not dare to talk about his disease and after some time together, he was leaving their home. The advice of Rev. Schuler was ringing his ear. "Forget the past. Don't be foolish with your romantic feeling. Soonhae had tied knot with Mark and you should not temper it." Returning home, he reexamined his life. It was days of loneliness. He spent busy week at clinic while constantly worrying about his health. Now he was fully exhausted. He was thinking about the possibility of closing his clinic. Why should he work hard? He had no family to support and had enough financial resources for the rest of his life. Rest of his life? How long would it last? At these questions, he felt so bitter and empty. He did his Hippocratic Oath on February of 1967 and worked to his bone for past 36 years as a medical doctor. So he might have done enough with this job. But he had his reservation about quitting work. "I have to end my career due to my health problem!" Sukho felt empty at the prospect of stopping his work. He could understand how those jobless people felt when every morning they got up and would not know what to do for the day. As arranged by Dr. Lie, Sukho went to radiology department for ultrasound imaging and drew blood for Alpha Fetoprotein level check. Fortunately, tests showed no sign of tumor. Dr. Liu was very relieved. "Whew-- Dr. Kang. You are saved. You don't have a cancer but still be careful! Your life is not in danger but you need good rest!" It was March of 2006 and in California, the weather changed to summer season. Daylight lasted longer but life style did not change for most Californians. But for some, their lives changed completely. It is inevitable for these people to start different life style due to such a drastic change. For Soonhae, her depression was completely cured and she regained normal happy life. But after going through those hard days, she realized she negatively affected the lives of many others. Most of all, her life was a series of betrayals. It pained her greatly. She first betrayed Sukho even after her firm promise with him. Then she was committed to marry Chong-ilbut she again betrayed him by marring Mark. But even Mark, she betrayed all these year by keeping these two men in her heart. What a wretch was she! Now she needed a way to repay her bad deed. She made both Sukho and Chong-ilto live their lives without family. They have spent all these years in waiting for her! She had to do something to correct her wrongdoing. First, she sent a letter to Chong-il. She expressed her deepest remorse and begged for his forgiveness. To her relief, she got a reply from him saying he forgave her. In his letter, he wrote, "Soonhae over many years, it was true that I was angry to you and even wanted to revenge but now I made a peace with myself. Now you have a happy family and I am just wishing you the happiest days for you and your loved ones." But she could not dare to write a letter to Sukhono word would compensate his lost years and robbed happy family. He spent past 60 years just waiting for her. So she wished that she could do anything that would amount to his sacrifice. She would even risk her life for him! One day, Sukho received a letter from Chong-il in Seoul, Korea. "My dear friend, Sukho Time runs fast! I am happy about the news of Soonhae who were fully recovered but my heart aches at the news of your health problem. I can see how serious it is hearing that you had to quit working. I see how dedicated you have been to Soonhae your sincere heart made her quick recovery possible. Also, I feel very sad at the news of Ninh who died so cruelly. Now I made peace with myself no more remorse, no regret and no anger toward fellow human beings. You told me the advice you got from Rev. Schuler. I fully agree with him. Let's throw away all the vain things. Also, I owe your forgiveness. I took Soonhae from you. I know how deeply you were in love with her but I messed up. You have lived single life without a family and I feel guilty to you. To compensate my debt, I propose you to come back to Korea. You become my family and I will take care of you. Your disease will be cured quickly when you feel at home. From Chong-il" Sukho's heart warmed. He was very thankful for his kindness. He hoped that day would come soon. A few days later, Sukho was about to visit Dr. Liu because his condition worsened. He had short breath and stomach ache. He even spitted dark blood. He was thinking-- "Spitting blood? This is very bad sign. I am going to die? Wouldn't it be the will of God?" Then Dr. Liu phoned him to come to his office. He said a month passed and he wanted to see the progress. Sukho again was very thankful for Dr. Liuhe remembered him and did careful follow-up. Though not the same nationality, he felt close friendship to Dr. Liu. After check up, Dr. Liu pulled Sukho to radiology department for more detailed test using computer imaging. He made a follow-up appointment three days later. But that evening, the symptom got much worse with more bleeding and fever. He got scared. "Is my liver condition getting worst?" Sukho kept his appointment at Dr. Liu's office. He told shocking news "Dr. KangWe are all surprised to see a small tumor on your liver. We hope it is a pseudo-tumor but anyway, we need be certain. Let's have tissue sample." "Did you say I have a tumor?"". . . "He did not answer because he knew it was a real cancer. "What should I do next?""Dr. Kang we need a second-opinion from a liver specialist at UC Irvine Hospital." "Ah Dr. Liu! I am very thankful to you!" Then four days later, Dr. Liu explained both the diagnosis and prognosis. "We should wait for tissue sample test but from computerized imaging, we are almost sure that you have a liver cancer. I suggest surgery using Gamma Knife technique. I know UCI hospital has that facility and specialists." "Gamma knifing? OK. I will get that surgery." "Then you should be admitted to the hospital no later than next week. Expect about two-day stay at the hospital." As he had no immediate family member, if he would die during or after the surgery, he needed special arrangements for his properties. He hurriedly visited a lawyer to file a living trust document. He was hospitalized following week. Sukho had an unexpected visitor it was Mark McKnight. How did he know? "Dr. KangI have sinned to you for so long. Also I have a lot to thank you for. So I will help you and care for while you are hospitalized." "Then do you know what I am here for? Does Soonhae know about this too?" "Yes I know your liver problem. Soonhae does not know yet. I kept secret from her." "Thanks you so much, Mark." Sukho was so appreciative. Though he himself was a doctor, now he was a patient waiting for surgery of life or death. He needed someone near to support and encourage. Gamma knife surgery took much longer than expected. Sukho was under total anesthesia and tissuesample was taken before surgery using Gamma Ray. The imaging taken after the surgery indicated the tumor sized 1 x 2 cm was successfully removed and the tissue sample test clearly indicated he had a cancer. From detailed test, it was concluded that Sukho had hepatitis, hepatic insufficiencyand even liver cancer. After the surgery, his pain was severe but he was suffering with loneliness. Though Mark was in his sick bed, he longed for feminine touch like Ninh or Soonhae. In two days, he was discharged from hospital and went home. But he was sad and lonely. Also he had to take care of his house chores like food preparation and laundry. He also encountered a psychological problem once you became a patient, the perception and attitude change. You would avoid other people and getting easily tired. Such change transforms into a state of depression. Sukho could understand why Soonhae had such a severe symptom of depression. He was following her steps of depression. "Oh I am so lonelythis solitude is worse than the death itself!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few days later, Dr. Liu dropped by. He explained Sukho's condition and also laid out the futuretreatment plan. Cancer tissue had been removed but he further needed chemotherapy. As his liver function had been degraded severely, the best remedy was to have liver transplantation. Sukho lamented. "Liver transplantation? That means my days are numbered!" He registered UCI's liver transplantation list waiting for donor. If a donor with matching blood type would appear, he would undergo transplant surgery. So he was not supposed to be more than 50 mile away from the hospital. But he was not optimistic about the donor and told himself "Why should I have transplant? How long can I prolong my life? I would rather give up when time comes and bid farewell to this world!" Then next thought was "No I should live. I have more things to do!"Alternating between these two thoughts, he agonized. But once he decided that he could take fate calmly, he made a peach with himself. All earthly temptationhe had so far meant nothing now. Fifteenth Story: Things to do before dying Again, Sukho recalled the advice of Rev. Schuler. "Throw off your earthly temptation!" So he had to casted off all the earthly temptationbut new kind of desire popped up. He listed up those important things he wanted to do before he would have any more days left in his life. There were so many but two items popped up on top of list. One was to go back to Chungju stony stairs with Soonhae. Another was to visit South China Sea and put a floating flower at the location Ninh was buried. But as he was waiting for a liver donor, he could not be far away. So what should he do? Sukho thought about someone whom he wanted talk it was Dr. James Yamashiro who was the psychiatrist for Soonhae. So he visited Dr. Yamashiro and told him what was going on. After listening all, the psychiatrist was very apologetic to Sukho. "SorryI didn't know you had liver problem when I asked to care for Mrs. McKnight thanks to your care, she recovered but in the process, it made your condition worse. Now that you had best care with gamma ray surgery and you are on waiting list for liver donor, I suggest you take a break and have a relaxing trip."Then he said something extraordinary. He suggested visiting Kyushu, Japan, where people can get cure from the mystic power of Poseidon known as 'Kaisin'. His brother-in-law had also recovered from hopeless disease with the help of Kaisin. "Kaisin? Is that god actually old Korean who crossed the strait of Japan?" Sukho asked jokingly. "No -- seriously, that Japanese Poseidon is the god of ocean who saved prince Taker. When he was drowning, his wife begged the sea god to spare her husband by sacrificing herself to the ocean. The Kais inwas deeply moved by her appeal and saved prince Taker from death.""So are you telling me to pray to that useless god of Japan?" "Oh I hear he still has power. If you are still interested, I will introduce you to my sister who knows the power of this god. Her name is Shoko Ohara." "Shoko? Very pretty name! Dr. Yamashiro. Let me think about it." "As a psychiatrist, I just want you to forget everything and refresh yourself by joyful trip to any place you want." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That evening, Sukho was deep in thought. As his days were swindling, he needed cleanup and reorganize his life. At the same time, he wanted accomplish as many unfinished tasks as possible. Should he stay here for donor? As his last worthy act, he wanted to love and being loved by someone dear. So he wanted to make a contact with a person whom he can love. So he wrote a letter to Chong-il. Dear my friend Chong-il I will make this letter short. I know I don't have too many days to live. The only way to survive for me is liver transplant but I don't want it. When time comes and Lord calls me, I will take that fate calmly. But before that time, there is a place I want to visit before the time. I have one request for you as you suggested earlier, can I be a part of your family and spend remaining time with you? Your friend, Sukho While he was writing the letter, he pictured Chong-il and his happy family in Seoul. When Soonhae betrayed her marriage promise and married to Mark in 1967, he could not suppress his anger. He was fisting his desk and shouted "Now everything is over! I will forget all about her and find best woman for me. I will start new life. So Sukho, do same! Don't cry you stupid fool! Find new life!" Sure enough, Chong-il married a charming woman and builta happy family with sons and daughters. On the other hand, Sukho was really a stupid fool. He had waited all these time for nothing and had no one to be with him. Sukho also wanted a happy family with nice kids. How nice if he could go to MacDonald or Berger King with his own family! Every time he went to Chinese restaurant, he envied the noisy and rowdy kids at next table. If he could not get any kids, at least he wanted have a wife whom he can make a stroll to nearby ice cream parlor. If that wife happened to be Soonhae, he would not askanything else but she was the wife of Mark and mother of her kid. If Ninh was his wife, he would be equally happy but she did not exist in this world. He remembered Chong-il telling him "Sukhodo you know a surgeon's job is quite different from that of an internist? Surgeon spend more stressful day at the operating room. By the time you complete a day's schedule and come home, you are dead tired. But open your front door and your daughter rushes on you calling daddy, you forget all the fatigue and feel refreshed. I call this happiness!" Picturing that scene, Sukho felt so much in loss. "Yes Chong-il. You are right. That is the happiness. But I haven't enjoyed that happiness and will never have one. I have only limited time in my hand." Next morning, he met Mark and told him everything including how he felt about happiness and wanted to have a family of his own. "Oh you want your family. And I ruined your chance of getting one. I am so sorry." Mark was very apologetic. "So you want to travel to Japan, Vietnam and Korea to meet Chong-il. Then what?" "Well then I will go to Geomoon Island to meet Captain Chung who tends light house. Then perhaps . . . " "Perhaps what?" Mark sensed some omen. "I would die.""Oh no! You die?" "Yes very likely. On top of my health problem, I have no one left and no reason to live on." "What you mean? No one? I am here to help. I will donate my liver. So live long so that you have happy days. You should live longer. And I want to give you Soonhae, too." "What? You want to give your liver?"Mark held Sukho's hand firmly. "Yes that is my true intension. Also I want to give up Soonhae for you!" "What did you say?""I said I will give up Soonhae for you." "No! It is impossible. She is your wife." "Wife and lover are different. My wife lived her life thinking only about you." "But it is impossible! She is your wife and it is your family!" Sixteenth Story: Back to South China Sea Sukho managed to arrive at Ho Chi Minh City's Tan Son Nhut airport after a long and tiresome journey. He left Los Angeles airport and laid over at Hong Kong then arrived Vietnam next day. He did not stop by in Japanso apparently he was not interested in the "miracle cure" by Kaijin god. Dr. Kang had a sight seeing trip to Vietnam during January of same year but this trip was more meaningful and emotional. He hired a taxi and traveled to Vung Tau harbor on a stretch of road along the Saigon River. This was the same road to Vung Tau harbor where his beloved Ninh was traveling on a battered truck under a false name of Lei. That was so many years ago! Upon arrival at the harbor, Dr. Kang contacted a fishing boat owner. "Can I hire this boat for a day? If not, half day will be good enough." "Why do you want this boat? Are you going to fish? But I don't see any fishing gear with you.""Nonot fishing. I want to meet someone.""Someone? In the middle of ocean?" This boat owner thought Sukho was somewhat insane and asked very high rental price. So Sukho paid whopping $500 for half day rent and they sailed out to sea. The boat owner piloted the boat aided by another engineer. "Which direction should we go?" He asked. "Sircan you proceed along the sea way where boat people used to sail when they were kicked out of country?" "Did you say 'boat people'?" "Yes boat people. I am talking about those poor people who lost everything in Vietnam and even lost lives by Thai pirates." "That Thai pirates! Those are animals. They killed our people mercilessly!" The boat owner was equally hostile against pirates for their savagery. The boat sailed over calm sea for an hour. This fishing boat was well equipped and properly maintained. Also the friendly boat owner seemed to understand Sukho's sentiments after he heard Sukho's story. "So she was your beloved one! You came here as a soldier -- the war was cruel. I hope there would be no more wars. Things have been changed a lot in Vietnam and now we love Koreans. If you look around in Saigon, actually the Ho Chi Minh city, there are so many Korean made cars and TV sets. Also you mentioned Da Latit is a very beautiful city. The view from harbor is spectacular. Now how much more should we go?" "I want to see the location where Thai pirate used to appear. Can we go there?" "Thai pirates? Do you know how many Vietnamese were killed by them? It can be hundreds of thousands!""That many? It is staggering!" Sukho could not believe. The fishing boat sailed further to the sea. Once in a while, big wave struck the boat but otherwise, it was very peaceful. They could see other fishing boats and some navy ships from distance. Time had changed and there was no fear of pirate attacks and no one had to beg other boat for food or rescue. Sharing lunch with boat owner, Sukho told his story about Ninh in detail. The owner nodded his head and said "Dr. Kangyou also love our country. So does Captain Chung who saved our people!" In the midst of quietness, old misery that occurred 30 years ago could be heard. He was hearing the sounds of despair and outcry of refugees. He was hearing the sad voice of Ninh or rather, he was expecting her voice be heard. At that moment, in his imagination, he was hearing that sweet voice. "Lieutenant Kangdon't let go of my hand. If you do, we may never meet again. But promise me to meet me again at Red Valley River in Texas. Also make sure to see me again before you leave for your country. I will wait for you on July 20th at Sophie Hotel in Da Lat. So be there please!" July 20th? That was a Saturday and one of the most important date to Sukho. He spent that evening with Ninh and he made a firm commitment to wait for her all his life. It was a dark night with heavy rain and after she bid farewell, she returned at midnight knocking at the door. She was drenched by heavy rain and her body was shaking by cold and fear. He remembered this conversation-- "Ninhwhat is going on?""Lieutenantmy chastity belongs to you. You are my lover forever!" That evening, they promised to wait for each other. She said"I will wait for you all in my life." That evening had significance -- other woman, Soonhae tied knot with Mark McKnight and they became husband and wife. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Oh Ninh, Ninh!" "What happen? Did you see someone?" The boat owner asked in surprise. "Yes I did. I hear a voice over there at the bottom of the ocean!" "Over there? Should we get closer?" "Yes please!" "OK" When the boat reached the spot where Sukho was hearing Ninh's voice, he started throwing roses one by one. Red rose dropped on the water and started floating around. Sukho murmured. "Ninh, Ninh. I love you. Now you can breath easy. I am here to take you. I will take you to the Valley of Love. Ninhin three months, my life in this world will end and I will join you in the other world. So we meet again. Wait just a little bitI will join you." He threw all 36 red roses to the ocean. With tears in his eyes, he was watching those pretty roses floating around on the ocean surface. Many minutes later, the boat owner said. "Docnow we got to turn back to Vung Tau harbor." The boat headed back to the harbor and away from the spot where he sprayed roses. Finally, no rose flower was visible. Soon the mountain appeared and boat was nearing Vung Tau harbor. "Vung Tau. Vung Tau." Sukho made soft sounds. Then he heard voice from the open sea. "Lieutenant Kang- Lieutenant. Now I am not lonely any more. Though I am laid deep down the ocean, I have the flowers you gave today." "Ah Ninh!" "And Lieutenant Kangplease doesn't forget you have someone who is waiting for you!" "Someone is waiting for me?" Then he recalled those 96 boat people who were rescued by Captain Chung. It was only previous March of same year. Also the faces of Rev. Qui Le and James Nguyen closed up in his imagination. Then the image of James Nguyen lingered on his vision. James James Nguyen was Ninh's son and Rev. Qui Le's nephew. This handsome young man was very competent lawyer. Sukho remember what he said when he met James first time-- "Yes, my name is James Nguyen. My original name was Huy Tran and I am a grandson of General Le and senator Tran of Da Lat. I was at a blink of death but thanks to Captain Chung, I survived the nightmare. I owe everything to Captain." Sukho recalled another voice from Ninh on the evening of July 20th, 1969. "Lieutenant KangMy virginity is yours. Only you are my man." Then the voice of James overlapped. "Me? I was born in May of 1970 at Saigon. My name at birth was Huy Tran but since I immigrated to US, my name was changed to James Nguyen." May of 1970? Well then why Ninh wanted to see me on July 20th? She insisted on the daynot one day before or after the date! James also told him. "Dr. KangI am her only son. After I was born, my mother did not have any more children." "Then the Ninh's voice from the ocean about 'someone waiting for me' meant James? Can it be possible? Is he my son? No, No. It can't be!" He was confused. Anyway, he wanted to meet James again. Once together, he wanted to regard him as his own son whether it was true or not. Then his life would not be so lonely. To see him again and spend more time with him, he should live longer. He wanted to be cured from his liver cancer. He would wait for liver transplantation. If he can recover from liver disease and become normal, he would rush to the city of Westminster to meet James Nguyen, rather Hue Tran. In his imagination, he was happily taking James to McDonald hamburger shop. Next morning, Sukho left Ho Chi Minh City Airport and headed for Korea. After a short layover at Hong Kong, he arrived at the Inchon International Airport. At the airport, he phoned his friend Chong-il. "Oh SukhoI am so glad. I have been waiting for you. From now on, we will live together I want to pay back what I owe to you." "Thank you so much. But I have a place to stop by. So I will call you again after I visit the place." So, Sukho took a shuttle bus to Kimpo airport which was used for domestic flights. After a night of stay at an airport hotel, he boarded a plane to Yusoo city. He was very tired and felt feeble. Cold sweat covered his body. Seventeenth Story: Geomoon Island - and red camellia Sukho's plane landed in Yusoo airport safely and he went to harbor area to catch a ferry boat to Geomoon Island. The ferry boat had a name, Geomoon Island.

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