* MIJUSIIN 2009년 4호 봄호 * 영

2009.04.04 14:34

백선영 조회 수:571 추천:63


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A Train Trip / by Sun Young Baick

It's the voice of burning time

covered with black soot.

Masked dance is being performed

by the smoke from the train.

Chuga Chuga Choo Choo

Is it reincarnation from the sound of the bamboo flute

made in the forest primeval hundreds and hundreds years?

Black Dragon has been running on the railway track.

Not even the waving of pretty flowers

could stop him from pressing  on.

Dumped grains are piling up here and there

The emptied body dances a soul dance

as merry as a day is long.

Along the crawling, sprawling furrows,

the sheaves of rice are slanting.

Evening glow hits them noisily with bright light,

set them on fire.

The rich glow of the universe

stretches itself onto the railway track.

by Andy Kim

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Arrangement for Moving

Back of the garage

Opened a storage door

Tableware that served the guests

Well kept business papers

Office supplies and so forth

Passed hours became near again

With glittered looks of expectation and renunciation

My husband, eight years struggle with a stroke,

Sat on a wheel chair

An approval notice to move into the senior apartment

That focused on the credit history

Had arrived

Placing cleaned luggage side by side

The boxes that have to be emptied

pulled my right hand

Those missing hours in the boxes

Asked me to shake hands good-by

A worn-out wooden doll

A sound of stooped spine

Paralyzed hours

Which will be thrown up

Burn my heart with fire

A light wind at dusk

Is colored with the setting sun's glow

In the emptied storage.


새 글:
