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Race riot - All lives matter!

2020.06.04 14:39

강창오 조회 수:47

All lives matter!

Another sad murder occurred that is shaking the societies of the US at the moment. It shouldn’t have but it has happened again. Unfortunately, this time too, a few white policemen have been involved in a black civilian death. And this escalated to a riot under black community initiation.

Since the Rodney King’s incident in 1992, whose video clip steered the infamous LA riot, this time again the virtual evidence of the scene of George Floyd stirred up the social unrest unavoidably. His neck was wedged under the white policeman’s knee and his last words ‘I can’t breathe’ was enough to bring out people’s raw emotion in sheer indignation. How bad it looked the moment of the incident, it is apparently one of the methods that is usually used by the police to quell a suspect who fails obeying a police inspection. So this legal procedure shouldn’t cause a death but unfortunately the police’s wrong decision led Floyd to his death. However, the police’s action would be far from the intentional killing but, alas, it befell on costing the poor man’s life. Consequently, the policeman’s been charged with heavy penalty and his team members got fired which is fair enough.

Nevertheless, the riot started in the black community with the sympathisers and it has been spreading out beyond the USA soil. Then, the riot has turned with looting, setting fire and other form of violence. This demonstrates that their destructive action is hardly justifiable and accusation on the police labelling ‘racists’ is far from the certainty. It was a mistake that the police action went terribly wrong while performing their duty under the circumstances.

I’ve found out the facts on research that white people are the highest rate of being police victim, as much as 1.5 – 2 times of blacks who are runner-up and 4-5 times higher than the Hispanics and other races. Nonetheless, for some reason, in the case of other victims, the virtual evidence is never produced or taken an interest by anyone inclusive media not like the cases of blacks.

More over, the usual protestive slogan of black people “Black lives matter”.  It overtly shows that they claim they are the only victims and put their riotous action into justification. However, the figures show that the general homicide in civilians, nearly 90% of black victims are killed by fellow blacks. Is the killing each other within their own race justifiable? It is certainly not. Therefore, there slogan of “Black lives matter” doesn’t add up at all while they cheapen the life of their own.

Besides, the slogan “Black lives matter” does not advocate it’s value. The simple reason is that other lives are as precious as theirs. Therefore, it should be “All lives matter” instead. Thus, a recent survey indicates that nearly 90% of black people think they are unfairly treated by criminal justice system although they are caught red-handed. That is why they tend to resist complying to police order that require extra strain on them which could go wrong badly even to death.

We, of course, shouldn’t erase the past of the age of rampant racism, especially the suffering of black slaves which was far too grave. Surely, it is the production of dark age when we cannot forget but shouldn’t live in. I definitely agree that the racism is still being practiced and continuous everywhere on earth. But our world is far from utopia and there is no perfect society in the world.

Yet, the USA is one of the most desirable countries in respecting and practising human rights and contributing to it’s development.

Regrettably, this kind of tragic incident recurs over and over again that turns to a riot regardless it’s the core element that can be looked into and solved genuinely.

Otherwise, this complexity issue entangled with “having a chip on one’s shoulder” and imbalance that is driven one way would achieve nothing.