강창오의 문학서재


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The spring of Corona vaccine

2020.12.05 10:18

강창오 조회 수:62

The 3rd, December when is in grip of bone biting cold

That despairing, far reaching message of no quick fix no promises

Blocked us painfully from pining for the cure

All at once there is Corona vaccine

The waves of the good news patter people’s heart invoking


The long wintery year guarded by Grim reaper

That froze our breaths out

The Emergence of the new spring in time

Blending with the cozy overture

Of Philharmonic disperse into the air


Today, the footsteps of people crunch the streets, silvery and brisk

The breezy air is accompanied with, warm and fresh

The uncertain hollow for vaccine that looked so bleak


As of now, there are several goods displaying of Pfizer Mordena AstraZeneca

That ready to call everyone

A historical moment that the Corona nightmare turns into a blissful ending.