The Tower of Babel (바벨탑)

2020.03.01 10:00

강창오 조회 수:12016

The Tower of Babel (바벨탑)
The Tower of Babel is introduced in Chapter 11, Genesis from the Old Testament. After the 40days of nonstop downpour, the survivors of the deluge, who were Babylonians, the descendants of Noah, spoke in one common language moved to the east. Once they settled in a plain called Shinar, began to build the tower to reach heaven which would be the symbol of their great achievement against the God’s realm. They used the stones for construction then developed their technique that enabled them to produce bricks and mortar instead tar. God was not happy to be challenged by them and confused their language in different dialects that resulted to people unable to communicate one another. They eventually gave up on the construction and scattered away to all directions.

The message of this story theologically and ethically is simply defined by two: How much clever and powerful we human-beings can be but will be destructed by when we cross the line. And that the nature won’t allow our reckless challenge that signifies who is in charge consequently indeed, in this ecological world.

The real scale of human’s industrial development combined with scientific techniques is barely 100 years old but it’s vast, advanced and highly sophisticated expansion that looks like unstoppable by it’s exertive rate. The later 20th century invention which are Internet and smart phone certainly have been contributing to this speed and keep accelerating by updating it’s quality and volume like a runaway train. Even, Artificial Intelligence (AI – humanoid robots) are on the way, which can bring the more lethal and devastating effects to human existence.
Nevertheless, how far this high tech will go? Nothing is permanent as we know, there must be an end and then when and what? I believe that the consequence will be absolutely unimaginable. Everything we humans have built up may end in smoke, back to square one and even into dark age/ abyss. When I thought about it reminded me of ‘The Tower of Babel’. As a matter of fact, the effect of The Tower of Babel wasn’t a great deal. It was based on a primitive conception and work and people just stopped building it further up when they faced the dead end in communication and just scattered away.

By inference to this, the negative effects have never been far away from and along with the news of new high-tech development constantly sends the alarm while it is progressing.

Again, Internet and smart phone are the peak of modern scientific achievements so far that connects every corner of the earth and even the outer space. A minor issue in someone’s privacy that is exposed to in one part of the world and then it reaches to the other end immediately and nations top secrets are not immune to this trend. And language barrier doesn’t mean much these days either. Internet system has brought the human society so close as well as the translation into any language is done almost automatically. In the early days of internet, some theologist/ religious leaders saw it as a creation of anti-Christ which is the Omen 666 that the Bible refers to. Needless to say, the internet has been contributing enormous and rich sources to humans but seems to be turning into a ‘Big Brother’ which was introduced to 1984 of H. G. Wells. It is controlling and watching indeed all the move of individual activities knowingly or unknowingly which is what the age of anti-Christ will happen, according to Revelation in the Bible.
When the new millennium of 21st century was approaching, the IT world was a state of panic with grave concern about the unknown chapter. They had predicted that computers might’ve not recognised the new set of two digits from ‘1999’ to ‘2000’ which could fail it’s operation. That would cause havoc extensively and the whole world would stop which, luckily, didn’t happen then. But the capacity of internet has been much more stretched than it was originally designed and there is always the worry that it would reach the limit and bust itself one day.

Furthermore, globalisation makes the whole world closer and closer and mass movement of human beings is a norm in crossing each country’s boundary without much regulations. That again has benefitted and enriched our lives immensely then again it has been a cause of sheer destruction with a profound threat. The threat of these invisible viruses have been hitting the life of humans and other living beings. The plague decimated half of the population in Europe alone in the 14th century. Spanish flu, SARS and Ebola etc. have also contributed to the mass loss of human lives. And the Corona virus is spreading out and striking rampantly to the core of humanity at the moment, attached to the human traces from one place to another. All of a sudden, the tremendous human power that seemed to be unstoppable is being reduced to be bewildered, insignificant and frightened bunch as each nation struggle with protecting it’s own citizens. The threat of Corona virus too, may be stopped by human’s endeavour soon or later like the other viruses. However, the real problem is that they keep mutating and becoming more resistant and deadly in aid of the industrialised environment by which humans developed.  We may be lucky again to escape from the vengeance of Corona virus but until when? If the time comes when human medical production can, absolutely, no longer cope with other mutated viruses which has already warned us at times.

However, one of the major but unsurfaced concerns is the sea level uprising by Global warming which is also increasing the sea temperature. This eventually will release the CO2 that has been supressed and cooled down under the bottom of the sea by the cold temperature. Then the released CO2 will turn the sea acidic / toxic which means that sea life will be terminated by it eventually and there, in fact, have been some signs shown so far. The world constantly talks about it but there seems to be nothing can be done except just watching and praying as it is a too gigantic issue. The other major concern is the evaporation of Orbital zone which is again caused by the increase of CO2 in the air. The layers in the Orbital zone are the buffer belts that stop and filter the sun light ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches Earth. Therefore, no Orbital zone means no life on earth as everything will be burnt to ashes. In that case, we all living things on earth are simply numbered as unimaginable consequences are looming. There has apparently been some scientific researches that aircrafts are sent to the Orbital zone to measure the damaged Ozone levels. However, we hardly hear about how it is progressing over the years.

There was a picture of a giant clock in a recent newspaper that showed how close we were to the end of the world and the hands were indicating 2-3 minutes to midnight. The several world leading figures including Ban, Ki-moon, the ex-UN secretary standing next to the clock. The facial expressions of those world leaders said all as if they were just standing and expecting the doomsday.

It is undoubtedly but a probable scenario of modern day of ‘The Tower of Babel’ fate.

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