강창오의 문학서재


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머틀 해변/ Myrtle beach

2023.02.10 04:28

강창오 조회 수:30



동해의 푸르름과 여름의 낭만이 고스란히 배긴 해변


몇십  동안 잊었던 여름 바닷가의 뜨거운 열정이


한올한올 풀려 전신을 사로잡는다



이글이글 타오르는 태양 속에서도


하늘의 푸르름은 수줍음으로 감친 


뿜는 열기는 살곁에서 흐터진다



백사장 위에서


호텔 리조트에서




개개인의 자유를 불사르려는   


적나라하게 각종의 자태로 나딩구는 나체들



해변을 따라  없이 걷는 발걸음들


피타고라스의 모래성을 쌓고있는 가족들


파도타기에 취하다 못해 하얀거품과 씨름을 벌이는 써퍼들


물가 벤취에 누워  속에 빠진 독서가들


조개 조약돌을 집었다 놨다 고르는 이들


Frisbee  사방을 휘젖는 젊은 연인들


Metal detector 모랫속을  흘려 파헤치는 중년부부


여기저기  켠에 놓인 신발들


보이지않는 임자들에 사뭇 불안감 마저 일으킨다



어둠의 장막이 가려오자


낙하할  수평선위로 굽이치는 둥근 


나른한 달빛이 고깔 처럼 반사되어


검은 바다위에 육중한 자태를 내던진다





The sandy parade bearing the summer passion so pristine blue


Conveying the romantic memory forgotten for ages, of East Sea


That engulfs the whole body and unfurls strand by strand



The robe of the azure sky exerts recoiling


In the blazing sun so blatant


Disperses the roaring heat off the skin red-hot



In the hotel resort


On the water’s edge


The rolling bare bodies


Burning with freedom in fervour


Fill full in all sorts of postures



The ones in endless steps walking along the coast line


The family that building the sandy castles of Pythagoras


The drenched surfers in wrestling with white horse


The readers on the bench who totally submerged into books


The ones picking up and off the pebbles and shells


The running around young lovers in the play of a frisbee


The middle aged pair who probes sand so industriously with a metal detector.


And the pairs of shoes that are strewn here and there



When the dusk curtains down


The full moon shoots up soundly on the horizon


Reflecting in the conical hat so leisurely by the celestial beam


And scatter down dangling on the sea in perfect grotesque



*** 최근 그 아름다운 머틀비치가 중국에서 온 수상한 풍선의 폭파로 인해 오염(?) 이미지가 되어 몇 년전 갔던 기억을 더듬어 아쉬운 마음으로 써보았습니다.

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