Blood will Tell from Mother

2023.07.08 23:11

김수영 조회 수:33


리디아와 내 생일에.jpg

My granddaughter invited  me to delicious lunch at restaurant

내 생일 날 리디아와 함께.jpg

                                                        손녀에게 칙사 대접 받다

Blood will Tell from Mother

                                                                                           Soo Yong Kim


  My birthdate falls in February. My son and daughter-in-law and my daughter used to gather together to celebrate my birthday. However, this year they couldn’t come to my home on my birthday to celebrate it. Of course, they sent me some money as birthday gifts. I felt lonesome somehow without them, though.

  I have two grand-daughters who are very precious to me. They are really treasure to me. They are worth the apple of my eye. My first grand-daughter resembles her mother within and without. I am on cloud nine whenever I see her. She has a heart of gold.

  Upon her graduation from high school, she was admitted to Academy of Art University in San Francisco. This year, she became a senior. She was supposed to graduate from her university this spring. My daughter supported her with tuition fee and dormitory boarding for almost 4 years. She did her best for her education. I had been looking forward to celebrating her for her graduation.

  One day, my daughter made a call to me. “Mom, Lydia got a job as a flight attendant from South West Airlines. She passed all examinations to become a flight attendant after apprenticeship school in Dallas, Texas and probation as well. I have been to her graduation ceremony to celebrate her. She starts working from February this year. Please pray to God for her safety.”

  It puzzled me out of the blue. I was taken aback by sudden notice. After a while, my grand-daughter called me to let me know she would visit me for my birthday. On her phone, “Grandma! I will invite you to lunch at fancy restaurant. Please wait for me.”

  I was touched to tears by her warm heart, but it was beyond my comprehension as to the reason she stopped her academic performance to become a flight attendant. I came to realize that she follows in the footsteps of her mother. Thinking of ‘Blood will tell from mother’, I smiled despite myself.

  My daughter majored in Computer Science. Upon graduation from university, she got a job as an accountant in the hospital in San Diego. One day, she called me and confessed the truth, “Mom! I apologize to you for what I have done without your consent. I changed my job. I was sick and tired of everyday routine that was so monotonous that I made up my mind to become a flight attendant of adventure and excitement. Please forgive me. You can have free tickets for flight anywhere. Mom! I love you!”

  She had been enjoying her flight all over the world. I used to visit my relatives in Korea and I traveled around the world for free tickets many times. I remembered the saying, “I blew trumpet thanks to a bureaucrat.” When she traveled around the world, she used to buy a lot of souvenirs from each country. I prayed to God for her safety at all times.

  There were September 11 attacks on twin World Trade Centers, in New York, on the Pentagon, the headquarters building of the United States Department of Defense and in Pennsylvania where one of the hijacked planes crashed after the passengers attempted to retake the plane.

  I was watching the news on TV about attacks. I was horrified with Islamic terrorist attacks by hijacked planes. I was worried about if my daughter was on board one of the attacked planes. Even thinking about it, I had goose skin all over my body. I was almost dead until I came to know that my daughter was safe absolutely. Panoramic scenes recalled to my memory. I thought this incident seemed to reduce ten years of my life-span. I urged my daughter to quit her job as soon as possible. She was all ears to me and obeyed me. She is really a faithful daughter.

  My granddaughter resembles her mother and she follows in the footsteps of her mother. “Blood will tell from her mother.”  

  She earned the first paycheck and she was happy she could treat me with it to celebrate my birthday. She sang “Happy Birthday to You” for me and we sang along together. After lunch, she showed me a picture of graduation ceremony. She was the only Asian among the graduates. I praised her and hugged her with big arms. We bid farewell to each other. I stepped toward to my home with a big smile on my face thinking of my daughter and grand-daughter altogether.

  My second grand-daughter was eager to treat me on my birthday, she drove her car down to Orange County from Sacramento. When she embraced me, tears welled up in her eyes. She invited me to delicious dinner at the cool restaurant and served me birthday cake at home with birthday song. I enjoyed every minute with her.

  My friends from literary colleagues celebrated my birthday at the restaurant as well. Even though all my family members didn’t come to celebrate my birthday, I was very happy with two grand-daughters and my friends. I gave thanks to God for what He provided me as a Provider.

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