내게 무슨 일이 일어난 걸까

2014.10.01 08:34

차신재 조회 수:322

내게 무슨 일이 일어난 걸까

한여름 삼복더위 속
대학병원 중환자실에서
내 삶의 가장 춥고 떨리던 시간을
가장 따스하고 고마운 시간으로
함께 해 주셨던 어머니

깜빡깜빡 드나드는
의식 속에서도
간절하게 붙들었던 끈
눈빛으로 나누었던
애틋하고 절박한 대화들

"엄마 저 왔어요"
"뭐하러 또 왔냐"
그렇게 아침저녁 한 달여
30여년 쌓인 그리움
그것으로 다 풀어내신 걸까
내 손을 잡으신 채
외갓집에 가시듯 떠나가신 어머니

그것이 끝이라고 한다
세상의 모든 조명을 다 밝혀도
다시는 볼 수 없는 그 모습
내 아픔이었고
아픔만큼 사랑이었던 내 어머니

지난 여름
내게 무슨 일이 일어난 걸까
아주 먼
세상 밖의 이야기를 들은 것만 같다
아주 낯선 세상을
한 바퀴 돌고 온 것만 같다
What Event Could Have Happened To Me
                                    Cha SinJae

Last year
During midsummer heat of high summer
In an intensive care unit of an University hospital
The coldest and the most shaking hours of my life
Were turned into the warmest and thankful hours
By my mother with whom I had time togther

Even during flickering
Holding tightly and ardently onto our ties
Sharing by our eye sights
Our armorous and desperate dialogues

"Mom, I came"
"What for did you come again"
Likewise morning and evening for a month or so
The longings piled up for the last 30 some years
Did she dissipate finally with those
Holding my hand
Just as going to her mom's house, mom left for good

They say, that's the end
Pitchy dark
Even with all the lights in the world shed together
The figure can't be seen again
My pain, that it was
As much painful, so much love was mom  to me

Last summer
What event could have happened to me
So far away
A story of outside world, I seemed to have heard
So strange and foreign outside world
I feel like having toured one whole around.

Translation by YouShine@youshine.com 번역: 유샤인
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