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Come hear prize-winning novelist Chang-rae Lee read from and discuss his new novel My Year Abroad with CCKS director, Joseph Jeon.

Tuesday, April 20, 4 PM (PDT)
This event is free and open to the public, though registration is required.
Click to Register / RSVP

 Chang-rae Lee is the author of six novels: Native Speaker (1995); A Gesture Life (1999); Aloft (2004); The Surrendered, which was a Finalist for the Pulitzer Prize; On Such a Full Sea (2014) which was a Finalist for the NBCC and won the Heartland Fiction Prize, and the most recent My Year Abroad (2021). His novels have won numerous awards and citations, including the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award, the American Book Award, the Barnes & Noble Discover Award, ALA Notable Book of the Year Award, the Anisfield-Wolf Literary Award, the Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book Award, and the NAIBA Book Award for Fiction. He has also written stories and articles for The New YorkerThe New York TimesTime (Asia), GrantaConde Nast TravelerFood & Wine, and many other publications.


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