섬진강에 떠 있는 봄

2014.10.01 08:46

차신재 조회 수:404

섬진강에 떠 있는 봄

지난 밤
온 마을이 잠기더니

섬진강 물결위에
하얀 꽃마을이
통째로 떠내려 온다

매화주를 만들었는지
천지를 울렁울렁 취하게 하며

그리움 목에 걸고 뛰어내린
순백의 혼들
향기로 몸을 내릴
먼 곳을 꿈꾸며 간다

섬짐강 물결위에
하얀 꽃마을이
둥둥 떠내려 온다

The Spring Afloat Upon SeomJin River
                                         Cha SinJae

Last night
By the rain that fell with all the flowers
An entire town submerged under the water

Then upon waves of SeomJin River
The town covered with white flowers
In its entirety drifted down

Were those flowers used
In making ume brandy
For heaven and earth seem drunken palpitating

Yearnings hung on their necks
Pure White souls jumped down
Dreaming far away land
Where they could lay their fragrances

Upon the waves of SeomJin River
The town covered with white flowers
As if drunken drifted down

Translation by YouShine@youshine.com 번역: 유샤인
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit;
술 취하지 말라 이는 방탕한 것이니 오직 성령으로 충만함을 받으라." 에베소서 Ephesians 5:18