Hey, 엄마

2005.07.21 04:14

태진 조회 수:373 추천:28

Hey 엄마!

I was thinking about writing this letter in Korean, but I wanted to write in English because I can say what I intend better this may. I’m just writing to tell you how I am doing. Also, I wonder how you are faring. I just took baptism class today to learn how baptism is just a physical symbol of an inward reality.
I am not saved by some ordinance or whatever, but by my spiritual baptism in Christ Jesus our Lord. I constantly remember you and pray that you will be Spirit-filled. Not meaning some experimental experience, but being controlled by the Spirit doing the will of God giving thanks (1 Thessalonians), loving one another, abounding more and more in love and good deeds (Philippians 1), all the time recognizing we possess no righteousness of our own, but every good thing that we do is through the atoning grace of God.

I’m sorry if I sounded harsh and judging the last times we’ve met, I myself have sinned and continually fall short of God’s standard.    I have been reading through Philippians and 1Corinthians and Paul was loving the congregation there as a loving father, even though they were being proud in their actions. Back then people were boasting in their knowledge of the Lord, but even that is given form the Lord.
We have nothing to boast about. Not our kids, our status,
our education, our deeds, nothing.
All these things we blessings from God and I count it all as trash compared to the hope I have in the Gospel.

        I have an awesome roommate. Our fellowship is deep and he loves the Lord fervently. This has encouraged me much. Last year my other roommate’s influence affected more than I influenced him. Just being in a room who was a slave to his own loves, his games, his drugs, his guitar,  his girl friend, his fraternity, his popularity, and on and on affected me to be more spiritually lethargic. I am not blaming him, but I am just saying that
It was especially hard to live a life to honor God without being held accountable for my sins and being in constant fellowship
with other believers.

I strongly urge you to seek others who love the Lord to be with. Living a Christ-honoring life is made much easier when our yoke and burdens are shared. Even if you do not find others to encourage you, encourage others, find others and have fellowship with them. Do not talk about physical things which are temporal, but fit your talk on things which are eternal. Have true fellowship with other believes for this is God’s will for us.
Let us not get caught up with the deceptions this world offers, but constantly run the race as to win the prize.
I love you so much and thanks for being a great mom.
Let us keep pressing on.

Sin Cera,


새 글:
