Eyes of Dew(이슬의 눈)

2006.12.20 04:34

미문이 조회 수:534

마종기[-g-alstjstkfkd-j-]미주 문인인 마종기 시인의 첫 영문 시집 ‘Eyes of Dew(이슬의 눈)’이 출간되었다. 마 시인이 이미 낸 한국어 시집들에 발표된 시 90편을 번역, 수록했다. 번역자는 영국 태생으로 서강대 교수로 재직 중인 안선재 가톨릭 수사(Brother Anthony)이다. I am grateful to the poet Kim-Kyu for introducing me to Chonggi Mah and suggesting that I translate some of his poems, that I might otherwise never have discovered.  I am deeply grateful to Dr. Mah for the hours he has spent going through my draft translations, checking them, and for his patience as we sat together reflecting on what changes and improvements should be made.  This in the first time that I have translated a Korean poet whose English is good enough to make it possible for us to work together on the final versions; it has been a pleasure and a great privilege. I hope that these translations may enable Dr. Mah to be recognized at last as a poet in the country where most of his poems were written, but where he is almost only known for his medical work.  He refers with special depth of feeling to William Carlos Williams because he, too, was a doctor-poet; this combination clearly yields very special fruit, as I hope this volume shows. -_Translator’s Preface-
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