Misty, My dog

2011.01.03 17:39

김영교 조회 수:115 추천:34

Misty Sitting on the couch I watch as you lay in your favorite bed, resting in peace. Eyes closed, paws gently tucked under your body I can hear your soft breathing ir lwo-second intervals. I try not to make any noises, knowing full well that you will wake to the sligltest of sounds And if you do wake, I kuow you'll jump up and following me Completely forgetling that just a minute ago you were in deep sleep. This is the Misty I know. The scene is all too familiar Looking back I rernember the day we met. I was eager and unsure You were quiet and unsure We were sfrangers I knew tothing about you; you knew nothing about me. Nevertheless, your little dachshund legs willingly elevated yourself into the car. You didn't know what you were getting yourself into, but you enbraced the idea of having a family And for the next five years and nine months you jumped, you ran, you barked and you cared. But now you're here. The scene is the same, bul the cifcumstances are regretfully different. Your bones are briftle, your basic senses are deficien! and your heart is failing. We've been fighting this battle for quite some time now, l'm not ready to give up, and I know you aren't either But no matter what, we will lose. There is no "mimcle cure" for old age- What's about to happen has already been predetermined. The day we met our lives changed forever. You had a homeI had a companion. And although our time together was short, it was irreplaceable. I'11 nwer forget your soft brown hair or your dark brown eyes Or your joyful bark or your vivid smile. But I hope, in time, I can forget that your final day was foll of suffering And that there was nothing else I could do for you but let you go- So on this night of June 2,2007, you can forever Rest In Psace.

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