RIVER Village

2006.03.06 14:25

Yong Chin Chong 조회 수:44

The town where my love lives
is the town where the sailboat arrives
and the warm heart resides ­
the river town of Willow Forest.

She lets the sun that rises from the hill
rest atop her head,
her delicate hands clasped together.
Endlessly, endlessly,
the heart waits.

The flocks of seagulls have left
after purging the suffering heart.
The sunset stains the blue river.

The longing heart desires
a field of white sand and reeds,
endlessly, endlessly.

When the lonely crescent moon
arrives at my window,
the little bird stops crying
and flies into the forest.

The quiet river town rests
at my window tonight,
as it safeguards my beautiful dream
for all eternity.