
2025.02.08 21:40

김수영 조회 수:78

벌레박사 썬박 칼럼] 터마이트(흰개미)가 날아와 벽을 파먹은 집 ...




염통 곪는 모르고

손톱 곪는 줄만 안다 속담이 있지요


배에 바늘만 구멍이 있어도

배가 가라앉는다고 하잖아요


조그마한 흰개미가 집을

무너뜨린다고 생각해보았나요


눈에 보이지 않는 바이러스가 사람을 죽여요

사람이 달나라에 갔다 오고 인공지능 사람도 만들어요

아이러니 하지요


믿어지지 않던 사실이 믿어졌어요

아니 흰개미가 우리집 부엌 캐비넷을

물어 뜯어먹고 먹어 똥을 한바탕

여기 저기 놨지 뭐에요


 모래폭풍처럼 모래 언덕을 만들어 놨어요

싱크대 지지대가 무너지기 직전 발견되다니

어처구니없고 어이없어

한숨만 나오더라구요


홧김에 장도리로 마구 때려 부셔버렸어요

휑하니 부엌 캐비넷이 간곳없이 사라졌어요

아니 이럴수가 있을까요


도둑이 따로 없었어요

허나 때문이 아니었어요

보일락 말락 조그마한 흰개미에게

정복당한 것이 억울해 멍하니 서서 울고 울었어요.


허탈감으로 부엌에 들어서니

캐비넷이 아름답게 나의 속을 채웠어요


집을 텐트로 덮어 씌우고 삼일을 독가스로 숙성시켰어요

부글부글 발효 거품 토하며 죽는 흰개미를 연상했지요

속이 그제사 시원하더라구요

울음 대신 웃음이 나왔어요

하하하….큰소리로 바탕 웃어 재쳤어요

통쾌하고 말고요.



                                   Soo Yong Kim

It is said, “You don’t know your heart is failing

But you know your nail is gathering”


If there is a tiny invisible hole in the ship,

The ship can be sunk in the course of time.


Have you ever thought

termite can break down your house?


Invisible virus kills human easily.

Mankind landed on the moon and can make AI.

What an irony it is!!

Unbelievable fishy fact came to believe.

Termites kept eating away my wooden cabinet.

Their poops were scattered all over under the cabinet.


Like sandstorm swept and piled up sand-hills

Their footprints left their attacks against the cabinet

To and fro.

This physical phenomenon looked so disgusting.

My cabinet looked almost like to collapse.

I took deep breaths and was taken aback by their invasion.


I was so mad at them that I broke damaged cabinet

Into pieces by big hammer.

My cabinet was gone and my kitchen looked ugly

Without the cabinet.

How could it happen in a twinkle?


They took my money like thieves.

However, I didn’t regret to waste my money.

I kept crying out for being overcome by tiny white ants.

Standing absent-mindedly in the kitchen.


A beautiful brand-new cabinet was installed and

It filled my broken-heart with joy and I took heart.


Pest Control Company covered my entire house

With plastic tents and sprayed poisoned gas inside the house

For three days and three nights for maturation.

I associated it with the white ants fermented

With bubble vomiting white foams.


After I bottled up my anger, I burst out laughter instead of crying,

I felt great.

Hah ha! A big laughter followed the biggest laughter!


                                                                          새로 만든 캐비넷







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