윤옥희 시인 아트 전시회

2024.10.02 14:52

미주 조회 수:89

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  스크린샷 2024-10-02 154452.png


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스크린샷 2024-10-02 155949.png


  Okhee Yoon

Welcome to Yoon's Art Gallery!
Okhee Yoon is a visionary artist from South Korea whose passion for art and background in pharmacy converge in her captivating works. With a deep connection to nature and innate talent, Okhee began capturing its beauty at a young age. Despite her career in the medical field, her love for art remained steadfast. Under the guidance of renowned artists, she honed her skills in oil painting and the art of impressionism under the tutelage of Mr. Min Li. Okhee's artwork has been recognized and exhibited at prestigious venues, earning her honorable mentions and awards. Her stunning landscapes, vibrant florals, and captivating creatures breathe life into spaces, including patient waiting rooms and pharmacies. Through her art, Okhee invites viewers into a world where emotions are expressed through every brushstroke.
Okhee Yoon's artistic journey continues as she currently learns traditional Korean watercolor from Yang Ja Park, president of the Mukrim Brush Painting Club where Okhee has been a member since 2017. This is a testament to her unwavering dedication to learn and design her work. With a unique fusion of art and science, she creates masterpieces that transcend boundaries. Her artworks evoke a sense of wonder and invite viewers to connect with the natural world and their own emotions. Okhee's ability to capture the essence of beauty is a true testament to her artistic prowess.

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